Information Literacy for MOS ECS November 2010
Information literacy An information literate individual is able to: 1.Determine the extent of information needed 2.Access the needed information effectively and efficiently 3.Evaluate information and its sources critically 4.Incorporate selected information into one’s knowledge base 5.Use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose 6.Understand the economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information, and access and use information ethically and legally
Evaluating search results Determining relevance and quality
Judging bibliographic records Is the content of this document appropriate for my research topic? Is it worth the effort of getting the full text and reading it? Criteria: type of document subject and scope – abstract information primary or secondary research audience date of publication author details
Judging bibliographic records Type of document Books Research reports Theses Conference proceedings Government/policy documents Journal articles
Scientific journals Research Peer reviewed Professional journals Practical Non-peer reviewed
Peer review A standard procedure in scholarly publishing, whereby a prospective publisher submits the manuscript of an article to experts in the research field for their critical scrutiny, under conditions of anonymity, with the aim of assuring quality and reliability of findings.
Judging bibliographic records Primary research presents original research methods or findings for the first time. Examples include: A journal article or research report that presents new findings and new theories A poster presented at a conference Secondary research provides a compilation or evaluation of previously presented material. Examples include: A review article summarizing research or data A textbook
Judging bibliographic records Intended audience Is the publication aimed at scientists, professionals, policy makers, students or a general audience?
Evaluating internet resources Anyone can publish Advertising can be disguised as facts. Quality criteria: Accuracy Objectivity Authority (of author and publisher) Currency Peter Steiner, The New Yorker July 5, 1993
Using the results Referring, citing, quoting Avoiding plagiarism Reference management EndNote Publishing Journal selection, impact factors Open access journals: BioMed Central PLoS Biology
Plagiarism Definition: Taking someone's words or ideas as if they were your own. (also known as) Copy and paste Plagiarism is a serious academic offence Wageningen University uses Turnitin to check student reports. Avoid unintentional plagiarism by citing correctly
Referring, citing, quoting To allow readers to find and check your information sources To give authors of these sources credit for their work. Methods In-text citations and quotes Reference lists Many different styles Bibliographic details differ per document type
Reference management Selecting references Print, download, Export to reference management software EndNote (short demo)
Getting the articles Access to licensed resources only when logged in! Use our link resolver SFX
Publishing Journal selection Impact factors Open access journals: BioMed Central PLoS Biology
Agenda November 17, 15:30 – 17:15 hrs room C321: Classroom lecture + feedback and questions December 22, 14:00-15:30 hrs room PC 713/717, Exam
Evaluation Assignment Exam See also course information Contact: