Song of Songs: The Serving Bride (Ch. 8)
Inseparable Love 1 If only you were to me like a brother, who was nursed at my mother's breasts! Then, if I found you outside, I would kiss you, and no one would despise me. 2 I would lead you and bring you to my mother's house— she who has taught me. I would give you spiced wine to drink, the nectar of my pomegranates.
Inseparable Love She has been seeking to stay close to Him: –I delight to sit in his shade (2:3) –He has taken me to the banquet hall (2:4) –I held him and would not let him go till I had brought him to my mother's house (3:4) –My lover has gone down to his garden (6:2) Now: –If only you were to me like a brother, who was nursed at my mother's breasts
The Serving Bride Chapter 8: Service In order to serve (the little sister), she must first be filled with the Beloved
The Messiah if I found you outside, I would kiss you… Old Testament: –Outside – far away –She wishes the He comes down to her (Incarnation) that she may cleave to Him and kiss Him “And in that day there shall be a Root of Jesse, Who shall stand as a banner to the people; For the Gentiles shall seek Him, And His resting place shall be glorious.” (Isa 11:10) New Testament: He is –Older Brother – teacher, lord, bridegroom And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14)
She who has taught me… and bring you to my mother's house— she who has taught me In some translations: You who has taught me –Christ (and the Church) is the teacher –A servant must first learn in order to serve –He remains at the feet of Christ, in the Church, learning always “Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation; On You I wait all the day.” (Ps 25:5)
Life with Christ I would give you spiced wine to drink, the nectar of my pomegranates. Learning, from God, is living the life with Him Wine: love; life of joy and gladness Pomegranates: life of struggle –Tree full of thorns –Sour skin –Full of seeds –Juice is very sweet With Christ, joy is mingled with struggle
Lovesick! 3 His left hand is under my head, And his right hand embraces me. 4 I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, Do not stir up nor awaken love Until it pleases. Just as she began with His love (2:6), she ends with His love. –For I am lovesick… (2:5)
All White 5 Who is this coming up from the wilderness, [LXX: all white] Leaning upon her beloved? All white: pure; baptism… first witness of any service She was dark before (1:6), how did she become white? –Baptism & Repentance –“Now she is white, walking in righteousness, for she is leaning on He who made her white: Jesus” (St. Augustine)
Serving the Incarnated One I awakened you under the apple tree. There your mother brought you forth; There she who bore you brought you forth. Apple Tree: Incarnation – –Like an apple tree among the trees of the woods, So is my beloved among the sons. (2:3) –Link between Incarnation and Baptism –He was incarnate, that we may be born spiritually –Celebration of Nativity and Epiphany together in first Church
True Service 6 Set me as a seal upon your heart, As a seal upon your arm; For love is as strong as death, Jealousy as cruel as the grave; Its flames are flames of fire, A most vehement flame. 7 Many waters cannot quench love, Nor can the floods drown it. If a man would give for love All the wealth of his house, It would be utterly despised.
A Seal 6 Set me as a seal upon your heart, As a seal upon your arm; Seal of the Holy Spirit – Chrismation She doesn’t want to be just close (in His arms), but inseparable from Him –A seal on His Heart He name inscribed on His heart So that no one can remove her name from before Him –A seal on His Arm Work, effort She rests in His heart and in his Might
Unbroken Seal 7 Many waters cannot quench love, Nor can the floods drown it. Nothing can break this bond of Love – 35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 36 As it is written: “ For Your sake we are killed all day long...”
Service of Others 8 We have a little sister, And she has no breasts. What shall we do for our sister In the day when she is spoken for? 9 If she is a wall, We will build upon her A battlement of silver; And if she is a door, We will enclose her With boards of cedar.
Service of Others Little sister: unbelievers Also the bridegroom’s sister (sister-in-law) –Christ deals with unbelievers as younger brethren –Even if they oppose Him, or persecute Him Saul of Tarsus
Service of Others What shall we do for our sister In the day when she is spoken for? What should the Church do for this younger sister when the Bridegroom asks for her hand? –She will deal with her with love and compassion –Help her! Fortify her! So that she too may witness and serve: – 9 If she is a wall, We will build upon her a battlement of silver; And if she is a door, We will enclose her with boards of cedar.
The Vineyard 11 Solomon had a vineyard at Baal Hamon; He leased the vineyard to keepers; Everyone was to bring for its fruit A thousand silver coins. The vineyard belongs to Solomon (Christ), we are just keepers: –For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, you are God’s building. (1Cor 3:9) Baal: Lord, King Hamon: People, multitude –Christ’s vineyard, is the multitude; He is their King
The Vineyard 12 My own vineyard is before me. You, O Solomon, may have a thousand, And those who tend its fruit two hundred. Although he leased it to keepers, it is still His vineyard and he cares for it What fruit does he expect? –Thousand: symbolized heaven –He only accepts that the workers will product heavenly fruits Reward for workers: two hundred –A hundred-fold for each worker in Old and New Testament
Entering the Garden 13 You who dwell in the gardens, The companions listen for your voice— Let me hear it! As the servants understand that their fruit is counted for Christ (1000) and for themselves (200), they sing with St. Paul: –“Therefore, my brothers, you whom I love and long for, my joy and crown…” The feel they are in the gardens –The narrow gate and rough road becomes a garden
He Comes Quickly 14 Make haste, my beloved, And be like a gazelle Or a young stag On the mountains of spices. Now, the servants realize that sweetness of the Life with Christ, so they ask Him to come quickly Just as St. John saw, and chanted: –“Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!” (Rev 22)