History Mini Research F.4D Lai Shuk Yee (12). Content Introduction Introduction Music (1) Music (1) Music (2) Music (2) Wedding (1) Wedding (1) Wedding.


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Presentation transcript:

History Mini Research F.4D Lai Shuk Yee (12)

Content Introduction Introduction Music (1) Music (1) Music (2) Music (2) Wedding (1) Wedding (1) Wedding (2) Wedding (2) Conclusion Conclusion

Introduction Under the rule of the British government for nearly a century, western culture has developed slowly in H.K.. We have our own culture, however we also accept western culture, this marks the meeting point of both cultures in different aspects. Under the rule of the British government for nearly a century, western culture has developed slowly in H.K.. We have our own culture, however we also accept western culture, this marks the meeting point of both cultures in different aspects.

Music (1) In the past, songs in H.K. were usually played by Chinese musical instruments. As time passes by, people here no longer just use Chinese musical instruments, in fact more western musical instruments like the piano, guitar, etc. are used. This leads to the mixing of the two cultures. In the past, songs in H.K. were usually played by Chinese musical instruments. As time passes by, people here no longer just use Chinese musical instruments, in fact more western musical instruments like the piano, guitar, etc. are used. This leads to the mixing of the two cultures.

Music (2) Also, the lyrics of the pop songs include English sometimes. Singers try different styles of music like Blue, Hip Hop, etc. Also, the lyrics of the pop songs include English sometimes. Singers try different styles of music like Blue, Hip Hop, etc. Some singers even use western instruments to play music in Chinese style! The song: 東風破 of Jay Chow Lyric of the song 無痛失戀 of Jade Kwan: 原來止痛是為練習無痛 哭到斷氣說不通 只需要盡興 不准愁眉 來合唱聲勢像唱 K 原來失去是為學習忘記 新的 轉機 我對蠟燭許個願 凍結了傷心 片段 say happy birthday girl 可 否替我沖喜 拆禮物時亦需勇氣

Wedding (1) In the past, in traditional Chinese wedding, the bride wore red and just drank 合 巹酒 at home. Also, a woman called 「大琴姐」 would stay beside the bride. Usually the family of the bride would distribute some cakes called 禮餅. Nowadays, weddings become more westernized. People may hold their weddings in church, etc. Brides will wear white gown. The couple will exchange the rings instead of drinking 合巹 酒. But still some traditions like 派禮餅, 媳婦茶, etc remain.

Wedding (2) Nowadays, the wedding gown of brides are more modern, however you can still see that they are mixed in western and Chinese styles.

Conclusion The meeting of Western and Chinese cultures is good to us. This allows cultural exchange. Although learning from other cultures is good, we should preserve our own culture and tradition. The meeting of Western and Chinese cultures is good to us. This allows cultural exchange. Although learning from other cultures is good, we should preserve our own culture and tradition.