Canadian educator philosopher scholar professor of English literature literary critic Rhetorician communication theorist. July 21, 1911 – December 31, 1980
The Mechanical Bride: Folklore of Industrial Man (1951) Interest in Popular Culture was influenced by Culture and Environment (1933) – F.R. Leavis and Denys Thompson Mechanical Bride is from a piece of art by Marcel Duchamp 59 sections Composed of short essays
The Bride Stripped Bare By Her Bachelors, Even Where Marshall McLuhan got the title for his novel The Mechanical Bride
Essays begin with newspaper or magazine article or advertisement, followed by McLuhan’s analysis theory Folklore: beliefs, customs, and values passed down through media “Folklore of our society is determined, not by education or religion, but by mass media”
Analyzes popular culture’s affect on people Concern for Sex and Technology in advertising “one dream opens into another until reality and fantasy are made interchangeable” Troubled by unchecked forces shaping the lives of people
Hollywood and advertising agencies strive to “enter and control the unconscious minds of a vast public… in order to exploit them for profit” Observer is “shaped and molded like Silly Putty” Tribal chieftains, medicine men, nobility, and religious leaders control the people Ads, comics, and movies are not what they seem
Freedom to listen – Freedom to Look: An Ad for the Radio Corporation of America tells of a rural family doing their business with the radio on. › McLuhan: “we still have our freedom to listen?” and here “Come on kiddies. Buy a radio and feel free – to listen.” Freedom to listen, but you still have to pay to be able to listen
For Men of Distinction – Lord Calvert: An Ad for Lord Calvert whiskey depicts nine gentlemen holding a glass of their whiskey › McLuhan: “Why pick on the arts? Hasn’t anyone in science or industry ever distinguished himself by drinking whiskey?” Everyone is equal, so why classify one group of people as something?
The Famous DuBarry Success Course: An Ad for beauty creams complete with female model in a swimsuit hawks itself as a “success course” complete with “tuition” › McLuhan: “why laugh and grow fat when you can experience anguish and success in a straight jacket?” To be famous and have eyes on you, you have to go through pain and anguish and be virtually mad
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