“On Facilitating Repentance!” Song of Solomon 5:10-16; 6:4-5
Pursuing Intimacy With Jesus! Solomon and His Bride = “type” (model, representation) of: * Jesus (Bridegroom) and the church (the Bride of Christ) and; * Individual believer and the Lord; * Husbands / wives / the marriage relationship
1. Difficulty in Repentance The goal is changed heart, mind, behavior. Not: sorry I got caught but “I grieve over my sin.” The challenge: “law of sin and death” “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death” (Romans 8:2). Jesus: “if any man would come after Me, let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow Me” (Matthew 16:24).
2. Point People to His Divine Character! SOS 5:10-16 Vs. 10 – “dazzling; outstanding among 10,000” vs. 16 – “He is wholly desirable” John 12:32 – Life Him Up! * His excellent character/Personhood! * His divine power * His desire for you! (SOS 6:9) Jesus’ excellence draws the human heart!
3. We’re “in this” too – Your Testimony! SOS 6:1 “that we may seek Him with you!” vs. Prideful posture – hmph! Maybe one day you can be like me! “Lord be merciful to me a sinner!” (Luke 18:13). Today’s pragmatic population seeks a demonstration of the Gospel – not just “talk” about it. Love? Show me love in action! Holiness? Show me holiness in action! Fellowship? Show me genuine love and care!
The Great Parable of Repentance: Luke 15:11-24 Parable of two sons Vs. 13 – “younger son squandered his estate” Vs. 16 – detestable conditions – “no one was giving him anything” Vs. 17 – “he came to his senses” Vs. 18 – “I will…go to my father” Vs. 20- (the father): “compassion, ran, embraced, kissed” his son = celebration