The Minister’s Black Veil A Parable by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Nathaniel Hawthorne 1804 – 1864 Born in Salem, Massachusetts Descended from a prominent Puritan family Believed that evil was a dominant force in the world. His fiction expresses a gloomy vision of human affairs.
Inherited Guilt One of Hawthorne’s ancestors was a Puritan judge who played a key role in the Salem witchcraft trials. Another ancestor was a judge known for his persecution of Quakers. Both Hawthorne’s character and focus as a writer were shaped by a sense of inherited guilt. He was haunted by the intolerance and cruelty of ancestors. He felt guilty about being a relative to Judge Hathorne, who persecuted the Salem “witches,” so he added the “w” to his name. He was not a Puritan and was born 112 years after the Salem witchcraft trials.
Nathaniel Hawthorne Master of symbolism and allegory He wrote throughout his life. After graduating from Maine’s Bowdoin College in 1825, he wrote a novel, Fanshawe. Soon after the book’s anonymous publication in 1828, he was seized by shame and abruptly burned most available copies of his book.
Nathaniel Hawthorne During the nine years that followed, he honed his writing skills working in a room he called “the dismal chamber.” This resulted in a collection of stories entitled Twice Told Tales published in 1837. Although the book sold poorly, it established him as a respected writer. Gave him sufficient resources and encouragement to continue his writing.
Nathaniel Hawthorne In 1850, he published his masterpiece The Scarlet Letter, a powerful novel about sin and guilt among early Puritans. This book was extremely successful. Earned him international fame He soon wrote two more novels, The House of the Seven Gables (1851) and The Blithedale Romance (1852).
Nathaniel Hawthorne When his friend Franklin Pierce became president, Hawthorne was named American consul at Liverpool, England. He spent several years in England and traveled through Italy before returning to Massachusetts. Used his Italian experiences in the novel Marble Faun (1860). Hawthorne died four years later. He left four unfinished novels among his belongings.
Inspiration? Hawthorne may have been inspired by a true event. A clergyman named Joseph Moody of York, Maine York, nicknamed "Handkerchief Moody", accidentally killed a friend when he was a young man and wore a black veil from the man's funeral until his own death.
Discussion Questions What kind of masks do we wear? Do we wear masks for ourselves or other people? Why? Under what circumstances might you want to distance yourself from those around you? How far would you go to stand up for something that you sincerely believe in? Could you stand beside your belief if pressured by your peers to change it? How much does a person’s appearance affect how people feel about him or her?
The Minister’s Black Veil: A Parable Parable: a simple, usually brief , story that teaches a moral lesson. Allegory – a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning typically a moral, religious or political one. In subtitling this story “A Parable,” Hawthorne indicates that the moral lesson it conveys is important.
Connecting Literary Elements The veil that Mr. Hooper vows never to remove is a symbol – something that has meaning in itself while also standing for something greater. To understand the message expressed, analyze veil’s symbolic meaning. Revealed through responses of parishioners Revealed in minister’s own deathbed explanation.
Reading Strategy Draw inferences about meaning. When message of work of fiction is conveyed indirectly through symbols, the reader must draw inferences, or conclusions. Look closely at details, especially descriptions and dialogue.
Inference Drawing inferences is a way of interpreting a character’s behavior, statements, or an author’s message. Description Dialogue: “He has changed himself into something awful, only by hiding his face.” Inference: Villagers are frightened by the veil.
Vocabulary venerable: adj. commanding respect iniquity: n. sin; wickedness indecorous: adj. improper ostentatious: adj. intended to attract notice; showy sagacious: adj. having or showing wisdom and keen perception
Vocabulary vagary: n. unpredictable occurrence tremulous: adj. characterized by trembling waggery: n. mischievous humor impertinent: adj. not showing proper respect obstinacy: n. stubbornness
Vocabulary irreproachable: adj. free from blame; faultless. zealous: adj. filled with enthusiastic devotion; passionate
Connecting to the Literature A secret, when kept too long can take on a mysterious significance. It can cause people to fill in the missing story and draw their own untrue conclusions. In “The Minister’s Black Veil,” a Puritan parson keeps a secret from an entire village for his whole life.