Amazing Grace of Our God Luke 7:44-47
44 Then He turned to the woman and said to Simon, "Do you see this woman? I entered your house; you gave Me no water for My feet, but she has washed My feet with her tears and wiped them with the hair of her head. 45 You gave Me no kiss, but this woman has not ceased to kiss My feet since the time I came in. 46 You did not anoint My head with oil, but this woman has anointed My feet with fragrant oil. 47 Therefore I say to you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much. But to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little.“ Luke 7:44-47
Background of This Story
The “Righteous” Pharisees like Simon
Background of This Story The “Righteous” Pharisees like Simon His righteousness was SELF righteousness
Background of This Story The “Righteous” Pharisees like Simon His righteousness was SELF righteousness His invitation to Jesus
Background of This Story The “Righteous” Pharisees like Simon His righteousness was SELF righteousness His invitation to Jesus His lack of respect for Jesus
Background of This Story The “Righteous” Pharisees like Simon His righteousness was SELF righteousness His invitation to Jesus His lack of respect for Jesus The “Unrighteous” evil woman
Background of This Story The “Righteous” Pharisees like Simon His righteousness was SELF righteousness His invitation to Jesus His lack of respect for Jesus The “Unrighteous” evil woman Like others, she knew her sins & reputation
Background of This Story The “Righteous” Pharisees like Simon His righteousness was SELF righteousness His invitation to Jesus His lack of respect for Jesus The “Unrighteous” evil woman Like others, she knew her sins & reputation Unlike others, she knew her Savior
Background of This Story The “Righteous” Pharisees like Simon His righteousness was SELF righteousness His invitation to Jesus His lack of respect for Jesus The “Unrighteous” evil woman Like others, she knew her sins & reputation Unlike others, she knew her Savior Her treatment of Jesus
Background of This Story The “Righteous” Pharisees like Simon His righteousness was SELF righteousness His invitation to Jesus His lack of respect for Jesus The “Unrighteous” evil woman Like others, she knew her sins & reputation Unlike others, she knew her Savior Her treatment of Jesus The Righteous One
Background of This Story The “Righteous” Pharisees like Simon His righteousness was SELF righteousness His invitation to Jesus His lack of respect for Jesus The “Unrighteous” evil woman Like others, she knew her sins & reputation Unlike others, she knew her Savior Her treatment of Jesus The Righteous One He came to define true righteousness
Background of This Story The “Righteous” Pharisees like Simon His righteousness was SELF righteousness His invitation to Jesus His lack of respect for Jesus The “Unrighteous” evil woman Like others, she knew her sins & reputation Unlike others, she knew her Savior Her treatment of Jesus The Righteous One He came to define true righteousness “Lost people” understand sin and salvation
Background of This Story The “Righteous” Pharisees like Simon His righteousness was SELF righteousness His invitation to Jesus His lack of respect for Jesus The “Unrighteous” evil woman Like others, she knew her sins & reputation Unlike others, she knew her Savior Her treatment of Jesus The Righteous One He came to define true righteousness “Lost people” understand sin and salvation Men look at appearances, God looks at the heart
10 As it is written: "There is none righteous; no, not one; 11 There is none who understands; there is none who seeks after God. 12 They have all turned aside; they have together become unprofitable; there is none who does good; no not one. 13 Their throat is an open tomb; with their tongues they have practiced deceit; the poison of asps in under their lips; 14 Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness. 15 Their feet are swift to shed blood; 16 Destruction and misery are in their ways; 17 And the way of peace they have not know. 18 There is no fear of God before their eyes." Rom. 3:10-18
Dealing With Reality of Sin
Some deny it exists
Dealing With Reality of Sin Some deny it exists Some redefine it
Dealing With Reality of Sin Some deny it exists Some redefine it Some compare themselves to others
Dealing With Reality of Sin Some deny it exists Some redefine it Some compare themselves to others Some “compensate” by doing good
Dealing With Reality of Sin Some deny it exists Some redefine it Some compare themselves to others Some “compensate” by doing good Some collapse under the guilt of sin
Dealing With Reality of Sin Some deny it exists Some redefine it Some compare themselves to others Some “compensate” by doing good Some collapse under the guilt of sin Few come to Jesus, man’s only hope
Sin is Real, but there is Hope
All men are guilty before God
Sin is Real, but there is Hope All men are guilty before God Many are filled with guilt
Sin is Real, but there is Hope All men are guilty before God Many are filled with guilt Society contributes to guilt
Sin is Real, but there is Hope All men are guilty before God Many are filled with guilt Society contributes to guilt “I quit, I can never please God”
Sin is Real, but there is Hope All men are guilty before God Many are filled with guilt Society contributes to guilt “I quit, I can never please God” Understanding God, Guilt, and Grace
God, Guilt, and Grace
Behold His goodness and severity
God, Guilt, and Grace Behold His goodness and severity He reveals both heaven and hell
God, Guilt, and Grace Behold His goodness and severity He reveals both heaven and hell He gives specific absolute laws
God, Guilt, and Grace Behold His goodness and severity He reveals both heaven and hell He gives specific absolute laws He judges all based on these laws
God, Guilt, and Grace Behold His goodness and severity He reveals both heaven and hell He gives specific absolute laws He judges all based on these laws Man has two choices, guilt or grace
God, Guilt, and Grace
None of us should live in this guilt
God, Guilt, and Grace None of us should live in this guilt “I can never please God, therefore…”
God, Guilt, and Grace None of us should live in this guilt “I can never please God, therefore…” “My sin/sins show that I am doomed”
God, Guilt, and Grace None of us should live in this guilt “I can never please God, therefore…” “My sin/sins show that I am doomed” “Hell is inevitable”
God, Guilt, and Grace None of us should live in this guilt “I can never please God, therefore…” “My sin/sins show that I am doomed” “Hell is inevitable” “God wants me to go to hell”
Two Views of Sin and God No Mistakes Looking for Evil Hell centered Eternal torment
God, Guilt, and Grace
I am a sinner
God, Guilt, and Grace I am a sinner Acceptance not based on perfection
God, Guilt, and Grace I am a sinner Acceptance not based on perfection God wants me to go to heaven
God, Guilt, and Grace I am a sinner Acceptance not based on perfection God wants me to go to heaven Heaven is inevitable
God, Guilt, and Grace I am a sinner Acceptance not based on perfection God wants me to go to heaven Heaven is inevitable He gave His SON for me!
Two Views of Sin and God No Mistakes Looking for Evil Hell centered Eternal torment He knows, forgives Expects the Good Heaven centered Eternal bliss
Two Views of Sin and God No Mistakes Looking for Evil Hell centered Eternal torment He knows, forgives Expects the Good Heaven centered Eternal bliss
Two Views of Sin and God No Mistakes Looking for Evil Hell centered Eternal torment He knows, forgives Expects the Good Heaven centered Eternal bliss
His Two Laws of Pardon
For those who are NOT His children
His Two Laws of Pardon For those who are NOT His children For those who ARE His children
Pardon for Those NOT his Sons
Believe in HimMark 16:16
Pardon for Those NOT his Sons Believe in HimMark 16:16 Turn (repent) from sin2 Pet. 3:9
Pardon for Those NOT his Sons Believe in HimMark 16:16 Turn (repent) from sin2 Pet. 3:9 Confess ChristRom. 10:9
Pardon for Those NOT his Sons Believe in HimMark 16:16 Turn (repent) from sin2 Pet. 3:9 Confess ChristRom. 10:9 Baptized into ChristRom. 6:3
Pardon for Those NOT his Sons Believe in HimMark 16:16 Turn (repent) from sin2 Pet. 3:9 Confess ChristRom. 10:9 Baptized into ChristRom. 6:3 Added to His Kingdom, Church, FAMILY
Pardon for His Sons
Walking in Light1 John 1:7
Pardon for His Sons Walking in Light1 John 1:7 Continual cleansing1 John 1:7
Pardon for His Sons Walking in Light1 John 1:7 Continual cleansing1 John 1:7 Repent of MistakesActs 8:22
Pardon for His Sons Walking in Light1 John 1:7 Continual cleansing1 John 1:7 Repent of MistakesActs 8:22 Confess Mistakes1 John 1:9
Pardon for His Sons Walking in Light1 John 1:7 Continual cleansing1 John 1:7 Repent of MistakesActs 8:22 Confess Mistakes1 John 1:9 Correct MistakesMatt. 5:23,24
Pardon for His Children Walking in Light1 John 1:7 Continual cleansing1 John 1:7 Repent of MistakesActs 8:22 Confess Mistakes1 John 1:9 Correct MistakesMatt. 5:23,24 Heaven is Inevitable
Pardon For Every Person Believe in HimMark 16:16 Turn (repent) from sin2 Pet. 3:9 Confess ChristRom. 10:9 Baptized into ChristRom. 6:3 Added to His Kingdom, Church, FAMILY Be faithful until deathRev. 2:10