Act 3 Notes
Can no longer pretend he cares for Hamlet Wants to send him to England under the guise that Hamlet is dangerous to the state Cannot pray/ feels guilt / affected by the play Compares himself to Cain Cannot part with the “effects for which [he] did murder” (the crown and Gertrude) Redemption is not an option – resigns himself to play out these events as he must on earth “My words fly up, my thoughts remain below: Words without thoughts never to heaven go.”
Cares whether Rosencrantz and Guildenstern have raised Hamlet’s spirits (not about their discoveries of his secrets) She is a caring mother – wants to know how Hamlet received them Irony and suppressed guilt: The play within the play “The lady doth protest too much methinks” The theatre has held a mirror up to Gertrude’s nature – Reduced to anguish, guilt, then shock – “What should I do” Virginal queen - redemption
Reporting of Hamlet’s “crafty madness” Sycophantic / obsequious – later parasitic references (sc. 3 – “to keep those many bodies safe that live and feed upon your majesty”) Played like a Pipe: Hamlet once again puts them in their place – they are no match for his intellect – in fact, their attempts are insulting to him They will accompany Hamlet to England- predictions??
Caught in the middle: Must obey her father but cares for Hamlet Bears Hamlet’s insults with grace – reflects on his former person (before his father’s death) “O! woe is me” Matches Hamlet pun for pun during the play within a play (defensive, callused, or very impressively rises above – she is oddly composed) We do not see her in Act 3, sc. 3-4.
Schemes, plots, spies, gossips – Sycophantic – tries to win the king’s approval – further alienates Hamlet and Ophelia Does not understand Hamlet’s lunacy – blames it on scorned love for lack of a better option “I did enact Julius Caesar” Polonius is a good actor, but not as good as he thinks – can’t fool Hamlet Foreshadows his death Cannot answer Hamlet’s riddles – believes he is safest to agree with him (the clouds) His nosy interfering leads to his death: “Thou wretched, rash, intruding fool, farewell!”
“To Be or Not To Be” Meditative and weary Has given up love and any hope for a future Common plight of all people Might be contemplating the choice b/t suffering and taking action against it Possible that he is contemplating suicide – but considers it a bad option since we cannot know what lies ahead Is it our moral duty to endure evil passively or is it our duty to right wrongs?
Wounded by Love: Ophelia has rejected him and lied to him He only trusts Horatio at this point All women to him are false (make-up) like chameleons – his conversation with Ophelia rings of his feelings toward Gertrude The Stage: His Comfort Zone Feels comfortable and happy directing the players – also realizes the gravity of what’s at stake - they must get it right Mania – The play within a play Hamlet is cruel, hysterical, manic – adrenaline
Success: Convinced of Claudius’ guilt Silences Guildenstern: “Call me what instrument you will, though you can fret me, you cannot play upon me” A new strain of willful cruelty replaces his gentle, reflective side Saves Claudius from death – reserves him for hell Conversation with mom: sexually explicit – holds the mirror up to her Is redirected by the ghost Tells Gertrude not to ignore her guilty conscience by telling herself that Hamlet’s mad
Tells Gertrude to “throw away the worser part of it (her heart) and live the purer with the other half” Tells her to stop sleeping with Claudius and not to divulge what Hamlet has said to her “Marshal me to the knavery” Take me to the villainy – suspects an attempt will be made on his life “I will delve one yard below their mines, and blow them at the moon.” Is ready to take on Rosencrantz and Guildenstern – and Claudius