Bike Like a Girl & The National Forum on Women & Bicycling
● Participate in the Race Across America in 2015, setting a new record ● Build a brand around Bike Like a Girl, beginning with girls cycling camps in 2015 What’s our Plan?
● Ages ● 15 children among us Who are we? ● 2 nurses ● 1 naval aviator ● 1 media exec turned coach ● 1 federal public defender ● 2 small business owners ● 1 teacher
● Cycling makes us happy ● It is an epic challenge, taking us out of our comfort zone ● We want to get more girls and women on bikes Why are we doing this?
1. Intimidation Obstacles to getting women involved in cycling
Kick Ass Babes on Bikes (aka kabobs)
2. Guilt Obstacles to getting women involved in cycling
Guilt Free and Flying!
3. Fear Obstacles to getting women involved in cycling
Getting involved with advocacy Bike 2 beer
Create Bike like a girl cycling camps Develop Bike Like a Girl cycling camps for young women Empower girls to tackle any challenge Develop life long athletes Provide financial assistance to those in need Goal is to launch a pilot program in 2015
Build community