ETHICS AND MORALITY Chapter 1: why be ethical? HRE 4M1 – GRADE 12M RELIGION ETHICS AND MORALITY Chapter 1: why be ethical?
THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ETHICS AND MORALITY Ethics comes from the Greek word “ta ethickas” – means having to do with good character Ethics is more interested in the good that humans tend toward. Ex. Include happiness and freedom Ethics is also interested in that search for the good
THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ETHICS AND MORALITY Morality comes from the Latin word ‘moralitas’ - means having to do with the customs, manners, and habits shaping human life Morality is translating that search for the good in the way we conduct our everyday lives
Ethics guides morality – it gives us the vision of our action (we can’t paint without our paintbrush) Ethics gives us an understanding of the essential principles underlying our activity
LETS IMPROVE YOUR UNDERSTANDING... Example: Music Ethics is understanding the musical theory, reading music, understanding technique Morality is playing music, hitting the right notes, performing People can still play music without musical theory You may/may not make good decisions in a musical arrangement or performance
What does Ethics give us? Our society is filled with many norms, duties and many important laws and commandments The purpose of ethics is to find the highest possible good in various circumstances and under certain conditions (i.e. self defense vs. Thou shall not kill) Goods beat out the rules and norms If the rules don’t contribute to that highest good - the rules need to be reconsidered
4 Types of Ethical Experiences: #1 The Scream – The Personal Response There is a scream from someone in trouble There is a spontaneous decision to help There is a drive to move and act – an automatic response Video Clip: Spider Man 3
4 Types of Ethical Experiences: #2 The Beggar – The Experience of the Other This can happen when you are face-to-face with another person You are responsible to the other The other’s face takes hostage and elicits a responsibility from you (can become guilt) The face stays with you until you decide – it causes an impact May not always begin this way – there are a number of emotions and many questions you ask yourself Video Clip: The Fisher King
4 Types of Ethical Experiences: #3 “I have to 4 Types of Ethical Experiences: #3 “I have to...” – The Obligation Experience There is an intrinsic duty (i.e. To follow parent’s rules) If you choose to ignore the ethical response, the unrest stays with you The order or wish from an authority figure can invade our consciousness, change our ethical framework and demand a response Video Clip: Trailer for Grey’s Anatomy ‘Tainted Obligation’
4 Types of Ethical Experiences: #4 “This isn’t fair 4 Types of Ethical Experiences: #4 “This isn’t fair!” – The Contrast Experience One has a built-in capacity of what the world should look like These experiences lead us to the thought of “That is not fair!” This is a response to a terrifying event that contrasts greatly with how we think humans should be acting Can cause a change that opposes this destruction Video Clip: Hotel Rwanda
4 Types of Ethical Experiences It is important for us to understand that there is no real ethical theory Our Catholic faith hopes that we use our conscience and search for the good in every ethical dilemma we face What one person believes is duty, guilt, intolerable contrast, etc. will be different for every person in every circumstance
Ethical Relativism Any view that denies the existences of a single universally applicable moral standard. In other words, morality is “relative” from person to person.
Moral Absolute/Universal Ethical Absolutism The view that affirms the existences of a single correct and universally applicable moral standard Moral Absolute/Universal Believe that morals are inherent in the laws of the universe, the nature of humanity, and the will or character of God, or some other fundamental source The regard actions as essentially moral or immoral For example, slavery, dictatorships, child abuse is absolutely immoral regardless of the beliefs and goals of a culture that engages in these practices They believe that moral questions can be judged regardless of the context of the act
INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY PHILOSOPHY IS: Love and pursuit of wisdom by intellectual means and moral self-discipline. Investigation of the nature, causes, or principles of reality, knowledge, or values, based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods. A system of thought based on or involving such inquiry.
Catholic Approach to Ethics There is a philosophical understanding of the human person as ethical. Tradition as the “Book of Nature”. We have an innate (born with) search for the good.
Judeo-Christian Tradition – Search for Good Sacred scripture is the foundation in our understanding of what is good and understanding ourselves at ethical beings (Remember Grade 10 – What does it mean to be human?) How do these goods impact our lives? Revelation and Reason Good of freedom, of love, of justice, of love of community, of forgiveness