Existence is available for those who are available to existence.
Don’t go on postponing. “Tomorrow, tomorrow.” Drop that word from your vocabulary! Tomorrow does not exist. It cannot exist. It is not in the nature of things. Only this day exists.
No thought, no mind, no choice, just being silent, rooted in yourself, rejoicing.
Knowledge is borrowed, knowing is yours, your own. It is authentic. Knowledge is information, Knowing is transformation.
Life never fits with any belief and if you try to force life into your beliefs, you are trying to do the impossible.
It is not only you who are seeking truth– truth is also seeking you. Many times the hand has come close to you, it has almost touched you, but you shrugged yourself away.
Mind is needed because you are not really conscious. If you are really conscious, then there is insight, there is no thinking. Then you act out of insight, you don’t act out of your mind. Mind is not needed then.
Dropping the mind means dropping the past, and with it, of course, the future disappears.
Dropping the mind means you are suddenly awakened into the present, and the present is the only reality there is.
Claim the whole sky - it is yours!
All quotes by Osho Quotes © 2000, Osho International Foundation