WP1 – Project Management Start M0, finish M36 CIP lead Progress to date & plans for next 6 months: –Deliverables –Financials –Audits
Sums Distributed Errors on audits and form C’s for CIP and Avanex resulted in variance to planned fund distribution. This needs to be corrected on the next form C. (In order to correct last year we will need to show the difference between year 1 actual cost and the figure incorrectly stated on the year one certificate as an adjustment on this years C form
Year 2 Manpower
Year 2 External Spend Project spend ~ 50% of budget at 66% of project life
Progress To Date: Deliverables Deliverable No Deliverable titleDelivery date NatureDissemination level D7.1Project presentationM03PPU D1.1Mid-year technical progress reportM06RCO D2.1Optical firewall architecture with target specifications for the optical sub-systems M06RRE D2.2Outline proposals for algorithm designM06RCO D7.2Web site developmentM06PPU D4.1Optical sub-system boundary conditionsM09RCO D1.2First year technical, administrative and future plan report M12RCO D1.2bFirst year periodic activity reportM12RCO D3.1Security Applications PartitioningM12PCO D4.2Hybrid optical circuit layoutsM12RPU D4.3Outline operating conditions for optical sub- system firmware M15RCO D1.3Mid-year technical reportM18RCO D7.2bMid-term report on WISDOM exploitation and dissemination plans M18RCO D1.4Second year technical, administrative and future plan report M24RCO D1.4bSecond year periodic activity reportM24RCO
Next Deliverables Deliverable No Deliverable titleDelivery date NatureDissemination level D3.2Identification of simplified Security Algorithms Components M24RCO D6.1Manufactureability of the complex sub-systemsM24RPU D4.4Hybrid Sub-system DevicesM27PPU D4.5Control firmware and software for hybrid sub-systemsM27PRE D1.5Mid-year technical reportM30RCO D3.3Definition of a Security Application Programming Interface: SAPI M30RCO D5.1Optical Firewall TestbedM30PCO D5.2Firewall response to simulated security attack.M34RCO D5.3Overall performance of the firewall.M34RPU D6.2Optimum location of optical firewall and optical/electronic balance M35RRE D6.3Scaleability of the optical firewallM35RPU D1.6Third year technical and administrative reportM36RCO D1.7Final project reportM36RPU D7.3Third year report on WISDOM exploitation and dissemination plans M36RCO D7.4Route to commercialisation and exploitation including activity on raising public participation and awareness M36RRE
Workplanning WPMM
Next 6 months WP3 & WP4 still main focus –Expect electronic controls and firmware to be delivered (Aug/Sept) –Expect first iteration of hybrid circuits (Aug) and designs completed for second iteration including integrated memory loop Need to decide on final demonstrator –WP5 will start M27 although activities underway WP6 –Scalability in terms of speed (line rate), complexity (number of gates per device) and rule checking scalability WP7 –ECOC08 –Discussions with system companies to gauge level of interest in optical pre-processing