Program Coordinator Wisdom Internal Medicine, Emergency Medicine & Neurological Surgery
Pre-CCC Meeting Data Organization (PC/PD) How is committee structured? What data needs to be reviewed? All residents at once or in small groups? Where is that data stored and in what format? – New Innovations: – Data from residents can be like pulling teeth: – PDF “Hell” – Unorganized data is useless – Going back through mountains of disorganized data is worse than useless
Who and When? Obtain faculty list for CCC - How will you get them data to review? What does the CCC chair do? Schedule CCC meeting dates early! New group approximately 1 HOUR per resident
Collecting Data Who organizes the data the PC or faculty? At CCC (full group), how will you go over data? Often >10 measures per resident of given metric (evaluations) needed by faculty to determine appropriate milestone ranking. Examples: In-training test scores, Oral Boards, Rotation evals, Procedural logs, Simulation, 360 evals (nursing, peer, press ganey), Scholarly work, Direct Observations, Self- evaluations, Provider Report Cards (patients/hr, etc), Procedural Competency, Compliance with modules/attendance (set thresholds. 70% conference attendance etc), QI Modules, EBM Evaluation, Specific Evaluations
The Meeting Who takes minutes? After CCC what documents are shared with residents? How is milestone data stored for later reporting to ACGME? --Milestone documents are finalized after CCC meeting --Scanned and stored in residents’ electronic file --PC & PD then enter milestone data onto the ACGME website (approx. 3 minutes per resident)