Wisdom of the First Nations’ Brothers and Sisters What first nations groups are doing to fight environmental injustices.
Some Background Information In the 1870’s the newly formed government of Canada and the First Nation Peoples came together to negotiate treaties It has been debated by many whether the government really had the best of intentions in these negotiations and also whether or not First Nation Peoples understood the true meaning of the treaties and even if they participated in the negotiating of the treaties.
Some Background Information (cont’d) Over time the laws around native rights and land rights have become more and more complex. A whole generation of First Nation Peoples experienced cultural genocide with the introduction of residential schools in the 1930’s There is no denying that currently the conditions on many of the native reserves and the ecosystems around them are dire. More attention needs to be paid to the issues faced by First Nation Peoples.
Activism by First Nations Peoples In this assignment you will look at what Indigenous groups are doing to raise awareness and stop destruction of the land they occupy. Open the Word document: Wisdom of the First Nations’ Borthers and Sisters