ExamsExams Playing the Game!
Disclaimer I do not know the exact motivations, rationales etc. for every exam question by every examiner, I can only pass on my opinions and thoughts. There are ways you can ‘play the game’, and hopefully be better prepared than in the video!
Outline Why Exams? –Pyramid to Wisdom Revision / Reviewing Study Notes In the Exam
Why Exams? Why do we study? To get the best grades we can! Why do we need the best grades we can? To get the best job we can! Why do we need the best job? To get more money, more options… Boo! That’s not much motivation… We study because the world is fascinating, and we want to know more about it. But, getting good grades can help us out.
So, Why Exams? Society demands a means to gauge someone level of understanding of competency in a subject. Future Employers, Parents, etc. We need a structured means to evaluate students abilities Exams give us that means (along with assignments, essays etc.) Exams also allow the examiners to be tested We also get examined on our exams, and external bodies check that we are teaching to an acceptable level and teaching the right things.
What is knowledge? So, assuming our motivation as students is our fascination for the world… …What is knowledge?
Ackoff’s Framework Pyramid to Wisdom Data Information Knowledge Understanding Wisdom
Data Raw Facts Symbols Data holds no meaning. E.g. 20
Information Processed Data Information is useful It lets us answer questions like; Who? What? Where? When? E.g. Dr. Ken is talking about Exams on Friday at PDS.
Knowledge Processed Information It can represent rules or patterns, that generally provide a high level of predictability. It lets us answer questions such as: How? It allows us apply what we’ve learnt Eg If the aluminium smelter temperature is set at 1000 degrees Celsius, then the aluminium in the smelter will be smelted in 30 minutes.
Understanding Processed Knowledge An Appreciation of ‘Why?’ True understanding allows us to synthesize new knowledge based on previously held knowledge. Understanding can’t be memorised, while knowledge can be. Eg. Some authors such as Bellinger disagree with Ackoff and I can understand and analyse their differences of opinion
Wisdom Processed Understanding The way we judge between right and wrong, good and bad. It calls on all previous levels of consciousness including morals, values, ethics, etc. The essence of philosophical probing Over time we can become wise about certain topics.
Exams? So, what has that got to do with exams? Well, we expect you to reach certain levels of the ‘pyramid to wisdom’. We expect you to retain information. We expect you to amass knowledge. We expect you to gain an understanding. We don’t necessarily expect you to be wise, perhaps not until postgraduate studies! Different types of questions will test different aspects of your ‘wisdom’.
Retaining Information Can be tested by: Multiple Choice Questions Short Answer Questions Questions which ask for definitions i.e. Can you memorise stuff?
Amassing Knowledge Can be tested by: Case Studies Exercises Application Style Questions i.e. can you take the knowledge you learnt about a certain example and use it in a new situation? Do you understand ‘how’ it works?
Gaining an Understanding Can by tested by: Essay type questions Can you think about important ideas? Can you evaluate different perspectives? Can you present your results comprehensively?
So, What is Exam Preparation? Studying? Revision? Reviewing?
So, What is Exam Preparation? Studying? Revision? Reviewing? You should know it by the time you are preparing for the exam, now you just need to review it.
Schedule your Review Time Plan in advance. Decide when you are going to review What topics are you going to review and when? –Short Periods –Take Breaks
Make Good Notes Make them in advance –While you are studying the material Then you have notes ready for review time. Lets look at some Review Notes
Before the Exam Eat Something! Get a Watch, in case there is no clock. Arrive in plenty of time. Visit the Bathroom.
In the Exam Read the Instructions –How many questions from each section do you need to answer? –Are some compulsory? –What type of questions are there? –How many marks is each section worth? And so how much time should you spend on each?
Plan your time You receive 0 marks for questions you haven’t attempted It’s easier to get the first 5 marks on a question than the last 5… (e.g. essays)
Answer the Question Read the question carefully. Make sure you are answering the right question. –Underline keywords Make a plan for essay questions
Consider 1) List the levels in the pyramid to wisdom. (5 Marks) 2) Discuss the levels in the pyramid to wisdom.(10 Marks) 3) Contrast and Compare the levels in the pyramid to wisdom.(10 Marks) 4) Evaluate the pyramid to wisdom as a knowledge model.(20 Marks)
Devise your Strategy Do you answer the easy questions first? –To relax and get off to a good start. Do you answer the hard questions first? –To get them out the way while you are fresh. Come up with the strategy that works best for you.
Read the questions first ALL the questions. Then you can implement your strategy.
Final Comment Exams are NOT games… There are tricks & tips that can help you improve your grade, –BUT It still takes academic rigour to prove yourself.