How to be the Employer of Choice Onboarding to Success: How to be the Employer of Choice The Onboarding Committee has been meeting and working with HR for almost 2 years to improve hiring processes to make them easier and more welcoming for new employees. Part of that process is to bring the information to departments so you can implement the processes into your hiring procedures. You may be doing several of these things already, but hopefully it will get you thinking about how to make the best impression you can with new employees. Introductions- Sarah and Debbie *
In the next 20-30 minutes Define Onboarding Discuss vision for new employees (requires your input) Tools & resources to help
What is Onboarding? The process of integrating employees into their new work environment. A continuation of the recruitment process. It is an extension of the first day orientation and one of the most important steps in retention. It’s not the 1- hour conversation you have with them on their first day or the orientation you send them to, it’s the entire process of prepping them to begin, having them start, and integrating them into your department and PSU.
“Onboarding new Employees: Maximizing Success” “Research and conventional wisdom both suggest that employees get about 90 days to prove themselves in a new job. The faster new hires feel welcome and prepared for their jobs, the faster they will be able to successfully contribute to the firm’s mission” “Onboarding new Employees: Maximizing Success” by Talya N. Bauer, Ph.D This is from a document that Talya Bauer (professor at PSU) authored that is used by the Society of Human Resource Management. EXPLAINS THE CRUX OF ONBOARDING– the importance of making sure we at PSU are doing our part to set employees up for success right from the beginning. They don’t have a long time to prove themselves and you only get a short time to validate their decision to come to PSU. Research shows that ½ of hourly workers leave new jobs within the first 4 months and ½ of senior level employees that were outside hires fail within 18 months in a new position. Following a formal onboarding process is a way to decrease the chance that your new employees will leave or fail after a short period of time.
Levels of Onboarding Compliance: Paperwork, legal requirements, policies Clarification: Job description, expectations Culture: Organizational norms, work environment, formal/informal Connection: Interpersonal relationships, networks, and engagement The Onboarding Committee has developed some tools to help with this process (which some may already use), but first I want to go over the levels of onboarding
Levels of Onboarding 30% 50% 20% Compliance: Paperwork, legal requirements, policies Clarification: Job description, expectations Culture: Organizational norms, work environment, formal/informal Connection: Interpersonal relationships, networks, and engagement 50% Want to get all the way to the connection piece, rather than stopping with the first one. Checklists will help guide you through getting to all of these, but each department and employee is different, so one of your tasks will be to determine how your department can implement onboarding in a way that sets your new employees up for success. 30% of organizations are at a place where they do only compliance, with some clarification 50% of organizations cover compliance and clarification well and get into a bit of the other two 20% of organizations formally address all four areas Source: Aberdeen (2008). All aboard: Effective onboarding techniques and strategies. 20%
Outcomes of Onboarding Higher job satisfaction Organizational commitment Lower turnover / Higher retention Higher professional levels Career effectiveness Lowered stress A structured onboarding process can lead to these things. The new hire actively learns and works throughout the process (rather than just waiting for direction). I’m sure you can see how these would benefit your department, and you all personally, if you have employees who can contribute quicker and lower turnover. Research shows that a structured plan results in new hires being committed to their job more quickly when they experience onboarding within their first month on the job
First day at IKEA... 1ST OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUR INPUT So, you’ve gone through the hiring process and chosen the best candidate and hopefully you’re excited to have them start. Let's talk about the first day......and share some stories What is the worst experience you have had in a job on the first day/week that gave you pause about your decision? What is a great experience you’ve had that made you happy you started working somewhere? TAKE 2-3 EXAMPLES OF EACH The first day/weeks is when you get to validate the great decision your new employee made by coming to PSU.
The Vision… Employees will: Be compliant with legal, HR, and department requirements Understand vision & strategy of department and PSU Have clear understanding of department The vision that the Onboarding Committee has is that after the first 3 months……
Vision, continued… Understand job importance & expectations Be introduced to key people Have access to tools and resources Have opportunity to contribute to work immediately Along with these bigger picture items, don’t forget about the first week: Take them to lunch / coffee, tell them where the bathroom is, where they can find office supplies, is there a casual Friday, how are birthdays celebrated in your department, are all things that are important for integrating the new employee into your department, which are covered in some of the resources available on the HR website.
What impression do you want to give new employees of your department What impression do you want to give new employees of your department? What can YOU personally do to give them that impression? 2ND OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUR INPUT For most of the recruitment process, the employee has had to sell themselves, now it’s time for you to sell your department and PSU as a great place to work. Ask for immediate input, or: take 2 minutes and talk with the person next to you and come up with 2 things you want new employees to know about your department and/or PSU. Why would they want to work in your department? *Run through list-- share 1-2 from each pair
Tools & Resources- for employee Welcome email from the President on their first day Checklist for New Employee Reminders and tips after 3 days, 3 weeks, and 3 months Done with the input part of the presentation, you can all relax TOOLS/RESOURCES AVAILABLE A few things the Onboarding Committee has put in place to help…. New Employee Checklist– for them to be involved in process, not just blindly follow along or get lost in the shuffle Auto-generated emails– currently go to brand new employees, not those changing positions or departments within PSU
Tools & Resources- for managers Checklist for Managers Onboarding section of HR website HR Partners Your role: Follow the steps and commit to welcoming your new employee to PSU! We’ve tried to make things a little easier for you and your new employee! Manager’s checklist: Step by step guide on what you do from the moment the employee accepts your offer. Each new hire should receive a customized welcome letter from you with the letter of offer– 2nd page of the letter telling them details of their first day (where/when to go, who will meet them, where their office is) Onboarding section of HR site– ongoing updates Updated Training and Development site through Manager’s Corner of HR site.
Results You have a clear set of tools to facilitate the process You are involved in creating a workplace where employees feel engaged You have employees who are able to contribute much faster than without formal onboarding plan You‘ve already invested a large amount of time in choosing the right person, so this is your chance to complete the process by getting them started on the right foot.
Hopefully with the tools we’ve developed and your involvement in onboarding for your department, when your next new hire is asked how their first day was or their first month, they’ll have good things to say and be excited to be part of your team and a part of PSU.