The Seven Sacred Teachings Seven stages of live with seven gifts Ms. Gaudon MMS10
7 Gifts in 4 Stages of life The Mi’kmaq believe that life is broken into 7 stages, with four major life transition. As seen in the image, most of your sacred gifts will be bestowed between the ages of 7 and 21. Stage 1: 0-7 Stage 2: 7-21 Stage 3: 21-35 Stage 4: Infinite (you may never reach wisdom)
Colours Meaning White- represents the Elders but is shared with children under the age of 7. It is also the colour of the north. Black represents the spiritual world, it also represents the West. Yellow is for the South, where warm breezes come from. It renews life through the cycles. Red is the colour of the rising sun, and the newness of each day. It is the colour of the East.
Colours in Action For Example: The Mi’kmaq flag is made of red and white, representing the wisdom of the elders as well as the newness of every day.
Sacred Teaching 1: Love Love is the first sacred teaching because it is what you begin your life with. In order to survive as an infant you must be given love to survive. True love comes from knowing the creator, and knowing you are a part of the circle of life.
Sacred Teaching 2: Honesty You learn honesty as you grow from love to be true to yourself and to your creator. Children for example are usually very honest– too honest some might argue, because they see the world through the love they were given.
Sacred Teaching 3: Humility Humility is realizing that there is more to the world then just what you experience. As children grow, they often believe that what they see is all that exists. Humility is achieved when you understand that the world works together as a unit to grow and maintain itself.
Sacred Teaching 4: Respect In the teenage years, once you’ve achieved humility, you grow into learning respect for the world around you, as well as your elders. You learn that no single being is more important than anyone else. Respecting animals is a good example. When a native slaughters an animal for food, they are sure to respect it by the manner it is killed, the purpose, and the use.
Sacred Teaching 5: Truth Truth comes in your late teens/early 20’s for most. The truth being that you have experienced and seen the truth of these laws. You know there is truth in love, honesty, humility, and respect.
Sacred Teaching 6: Patience Before wisdom, we must first learn patience. Unfortunately, some people get stuck on this truth and never achieve the seventh teaching. Patience is difficult to achieve. To do so you must have a clear mind and true spirit. Other Aboriginal groups include courage for this category. But in the Maritime provinces, patience is generally accepted as sacred teaching #6.
Sacred Teaching 7: Wisdom Wisdom is something that can only be achieved once you stop looking for it. It is a natural progression that demonstrates mastery of the prior 6 teachings. In my own band, many people refer to themselves as “elders” although they have not achieved these truths. You can spot the elders by who people go to for help. For example my Grandfather was considered an elder because he was wise in the ways of hunting- everyone wanted to learn from him. *being old does not make you an elder*
Your Task 1. Pick TWO sacred truths that you can relate with 2. On loose-leaf write TWO paragraphs (1 paragraph on each) on how you connect to these truths. Each paragraph should include: Title of the truth, brief explanation of what it means, a personal connection/ story of how you have gained this truth in your life. Be specific. If you choose a truth you have not yet gained, explain to me why you think it is important, and why you hope to gain it.