WORDS TO LIVE BY Wisdom Literature
Opening Prayer All Wisdom comes from the Lord and with him It remains forever Sirach1:1
Last week – The Pentateuch God’s Law is Revealed God’s Relationship with Man is Revealed This Week – The Wisdom Books How to live out God’s Law How to think about God’s Law
Wisdom Literature WISDOM Knowledge Understanding Action The Wisdom Books of the Old Testament Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes The Song of Songs Wisdom Sirach
The Books Job
There is an appointed time for everything, and a time for every affair under the heavens Ecclesiates 3:1
Solomon’s Song of Songs
Prayer Gracious God, Sometimes it is hard to make decisions. Sometimes I’m scared, sometimes I’m confused, and sometimes I just don’t want to believe I have to make a decision. Help me to trust You. Give me strength and wisdom so that whatever happens honors my loved one and You. Thank You for hearing me and answering my prayer. Amen.