U NIT 4, W EEK 1 Living Wise: Wisdom from the Past
M ONDAY Warm-up: Copy the quote. In your own words, explain what the quote means. Give an example of what you are trying to say.
U NIT 4: L IVING W ISE Unit overview: In this unit we will be focusing on living wise. Using stories from the past, words of wisdom for today, and gaining wisdom for the future. We will be working on connecting themes across genres, identifying point of view via pronouns, and working well in a student led discussion group. Unit Standards: ELACC6RL2ELACC6SL1 ELACC6RL3ELACC6L1 ELACC6RL6ELACC6L5 ELACC6RL9ELACC6W2 ELACC6RL10ELACC6W5
U NIT 4 L EARNING T ARGETS I can determine a theme of a text. I can analyze how a particular segment of a text affects the overall theme. I can collaborate and communicate effectively in my discussion group. I can compare and contrast different genres that focus on similar themes. I can explain how an author develops a speaker’s point of view. I can challenge myself by reading texts in higher Lexile bands.
C REATE A B OOK OF W ISDOM Materials Needed: 10 sheets of notebook paper. (This is just a start. We will add pages as the unit goes on.) 2 Pieces of Construction Paper for a Cover. Task: Title the construction paper “___Your Name__‘s Book of Wisdom” On the first piece of notebook paper: copy the following notes on wisdom and it’s origins. Add the Warm-up page from today as the second page.
L IVING W ISE Knowing what is important and what is not. Having insight into how we and others “tick.” Having a handle on negative moods and emotions. Having an attitude of curiosity and a love of learning. Being compassionate towards yourself and others. Life experiences. Personal or shared. Good and bad. Wisdom does not come from age! Older people are not necessarily wiser than younger people. Older people can make foolish mistakes and younger people can often make wise decisions. It’s all in the choices we make! What does it mean to be Wise? Where does Wisdom originate?
W ORD ’ S OF W ISDOM FROM M ICHAEL J ORDAN As we watch the video, write 5 words (phrases) of wisdom that Michael gives in various interviews. Write this under your warm-up.
T UESDAY Warm-up: Think about the photo below. How does Dr. Seuss’s drawings add to the effect of his crazy, whimsical writings?
T UESDAY Read “Oh the Places You’ll Go!” Complete 1/2 the close reading handout.
W EDNESDAY Warm-up: Copy the quote. In your own words, explain what the quote means. Give an example of what you are trying to say. “People spend too much time finding other people to blame, too much energy finding excuses for not being what they are capable of being, and not enough energy putting themselves on the line, growing out of the past, and getting on with their lives.” ~J. Michael Straczynski
W EDNESDAY Read second ½ of “Oh the Places You’ll Go!” Finish close reading handout. Mini lesson on point of view via pronouns. Complete activities on pronouns and theme.
T HURSDAY Warm-up: View video below. Summarize what makes this clip inspiring. What wisdom can we gain from the clip?
T HURSDAY Read “Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are?” Complete close reading handout with pronoun review.
F RIDAY Warm-up: Copy the quote. In your own words, explain what the quote means. Give an example of what you are trying to say.
F RIDAY Find 2 pieces of wisdom from each text to add to your book of wisdom. For each piece write a paragraph telling how that segment you chose will be helpful in the future.