DR. DIANE KERN AND HER GOOD FRIENDS DR. NORMA MCLEOD, DR. C. M. CHARLES, AND THE INTERNET EDC 415 SUMMER 2011 Don’t Smile Until Christmas: Folkloric Approaches & Emerging Issues in Classroom Management
Think-Pair-Share Think about the ‘wisdom’ friends, family and practicum teachers have shared with you about teaching (e.g. summer’s off, out of school by 2:00, what a life!; you’ll never get a job, blah, blah, blah; kids today only care about video games, blah, blah, blah…) Pair up with someone nearby to share the ‘wisdom’ you’ve heard. Share your thoughts on this ‘wisdom’ and whether or not you found this helpful.
What we’ll do today and why! Consider folkloric wisdom as we consider our own philosophy of teaching and approaches to classroom management Learn some very pragmatic ways to approach setting up your own first classroom and substitute teaching! Think about how social networking and technology will affect your classroom of the future!
What is the folkloric approach and will you use any of this approach? Definition: The body of knowledge the teaching culture transmits informally, usually orally. Atheoretic…hmm?! Motto: Try it!! Turn and talk—Based on your viewing of Itunes U, what folkloric approaches, if any, do you anticipate you’ll use? Is it okay that these approaches are “atheoretic?”
Norma’s 3 examples 1. Learning apprenticeship …example: Student teaching 2. Tips for teachers …example: 10 ways to do xyz 3. SOS …example: Survival Tips for Substitutes Do you think we really need folkloric approaches, even though these are “atheoretical”?
Combat Duty and Fresh Meat Kern’s Kindergartener Theory in Action—human desire to “eat” the fresh meat teacher is an innate behavior. The Kindergarten CASE! Substitute Teaching 101 Your bag of tricks NCTE Substitute Teachers’ Lesson Plans Kern’s substitute teacher folder and expectations
Substitute Teaching
R-E-S-P-E-C-T Norma cautions you to “respect” your elders! Is Planet Esme your planet?Planet Esme Teachers’ Messages for Report Cards
Future Studies… Hmmm…is wikipedia a credible source, Kern?
….and your classroom Continuous partial attention Acceptable use policy Netiquette Social networks Cyberbullying Conflict resolution online
Take Aways Esme Raji Codell’s Educating Esme Jim Burke’s Classroom Management Marie McDonald Teachers’ Messages for Report Cards U.S. Department of Education Survival Guide for New Teachers NCTE Substitute Teachers’ Lesson Plan