The Purpose of Disciples Women is to provide opportunities for spiritual growth, enrichment, education and creative ministries to enable women to develop a sense of personal responsibility for the whole mission of the church of Jesus Christ ……
The Purpose of Disciples Women is to provide opportunities for spiritual growth, enrichment, education and creative ministries to enable women to develop a sense of personal responsibility for the whole mission of the church of Jesus Christ ……
"The legacy left by our foremothers is not the structure we celebrate. It is the commitment to the mission that always calls for transformation and a willingness to risk doing what needs to be done in our time to do the mission."
Wisdom is not reserved just for the sages, but comes in many forms and flows through many ages.
Divide the group into generations Ask each group to share what they appreciate about each generation. We thank you for ….. Ask each group to share what they want the others to understand about their generation. This is what we want you to know
Blessed is the generation in which the older listen to the younger and doubly blessed is the generation in which the younger listen to the older.
We’re not pushing you away (pass the baton, you deserve a break) Give us a BIG role Be patient Let us help you with… Ask us for help More energy, less lectures We want SOCIAL-hands on Get us excited about something CHANGE IS GOOD!!!
What we want you to know about us... We are the connective tissue between generations We are busy, tired and smart We don't need to be micromanaged We welcome help We're spiritually hungry We are doers We are tugged & pulled We are calculators & peacemakers We are responsible, whether we want it or not
We want you to know that we… - enjoy being babysitters and grandparents - were young once and we understand - enjoy being with you - want you to be patient with us - are still teachable - value your ideas and opinions - are more flexible than you think - are not always understood
Pray about the women in your congregation, community, convention and region. Forward the website information and resources to them Print off information for those who do not have access to internet Join us on Facebook - Disciples Women - - Umoja Unity - Just Women Magazine - Subscribe online to Just Women and download resources at