Wisdom From Above James 3: 13 to 18
By your actions… Are YOU wise & understanding? OK—prove it! Arrogance of the mind Humility & gentleness of actions reveal all Blowing trumpet or just a little toot?
Neutral or Bad? Jealousy—good or bad? Bitter jealousy = envy which destroys Ambition—good or bad? Selfish ambition destroys ourselves & others Arrogance must deny the truth—let each have a sober assessment of himself. Rom 12: 1–8
Earthly Wisdom Not from God—WWJD Natural—the natural man discerns not the things of the Spirit 1 Cor. 2: 14 Demonic! Wow! Doctrines of demons 1 Tim 4: 1 Disorder & every evil thing
BUT! Yet another but… Pure Peaceable Gentle Reasonable Full of mercy & good fruits Unwavering Without hypocrisy
Peace שָׁלוֹם Not just absence of strife Positive effort for peace Seed must grow Root of bitterness or seed of peace? The choice is yours & mine