Heaven and Hell LO: I will explore the concept of heaven and hell I will analyse Christian teachings about getting into heaven
Starter: What thoughts or images come to mind when you think of the following: Heaven Hell
A dungeon horrible on all sides round, As one great furnace flamed; yet from those flames, No light, but rather darkness visible Served only to discover sights of woe Regions of sorrow, doleful shades Milton, Paradise Lost
Heaven – Questions to discuss and thing about… If there is a heaven, what would you want it to be like? Would you want to be able to see what goes on in the world after your death? Would you want to have the opportunity to contact the living if you were in the Afterlife? What would people have to do in their earthly lives to make heaven a fair reward? Do you think you would ever get bored with heaven?
Hell If there is a hell, what would you imagine it to be like? Would it have to be the worst place imaginable? What would people have to do in their earthly lives to make eternal hell a fair punishment? Do you think belief in the existence of hell is compatible with belief in a perfect, loving God? Do you think hell might get boring after a while, so that the punishment stopped having any effect? What might the point of eternal punishment be? Do you think God would know who was going to heaven and who was going to hell, before they were even born?
N. T. Wright (Christian) on the Afterlife Some interesting points made.
Life after death: what are Christianity’s criteria for getting into heaven? Look up the following passages, and make a note of: 1.The main point that is being made in the passage. 2.A key phrase you could use as a quotation. Matthew 19: Matthew 25:31-46 Luke 13:22-28 John 3:16-19 Romans 10:9-13 Titus 3:3-7 1 John 4:17-21 What are the key features of Christian teaching about who will have eternal life in heaven?
Read handout As you read through add on any extra info / scholars to your notes.