Computers and English: A match made in Heaven ! 熊本県内高等学校英語教育研究大会 Kumamoto Prefecture High School English Teachers Conference 平成1 5 年1 1 月 1 3日 米岡ジュリ (Judy Yoneoka) 熊本学園大学英米学科 (English Dept. Kumamoto GAKUEN University)
Why? Two requirements for being in the top 5% in the 21 st century: Computer ability and English ability
A quick survey 1 Do you know use ? Chat or messenger services? BBS (bulletin boards)? Mailing lists? Online dictionaries or encyclopedias? Online translation sites?
A quick survey 2 At your school do you have use A computer lab? A language lab? Access to internet? Free student access after class? OFFICE (word, excel, powerpoint) MSN (AOL, etc.) messenger?
Facts about computers About 300 million computers in use in 1999 About 500 million users of Internet (and growing by leaps and bounds) Keitai users are internet users too! (I-mode, J-Sky, EZ-web)
Facts about English About 375 million ENL users (English as a native language) About 375 million ESL users (English as a second language) About 750 million EFL users (English as a foreign language) Graddoll 1995 =The most widely used language in the world! =3/4 of the world ’ s English users are non- native!
Links between Computers and English 70% of Internet home pages are in English 40% of Internet users are (native?) English speakers Iseri 2002 In Japan, over 95% of Japanese computer vocabulary is in Katakana In Africa: Internet usage in 2001 was almost 4 times higher in English countries than in non-English countries (although the latter outnumber the former by 33 to 22) Iseri 2002
Examples of computer use in my English classes my English classes Listening Writing Speaking World Englishes American Studies Current Events Computers and English
Approach to Computers and English ( Old Model ) Research Communication Education Keypals, home page creation, chat, presentations Educational home pages (Multimedia, Language, news, music, movies) Online journals, Corpora Computers and English
Communi- cation Education HP creation, Presentations Online journals, Corpora Research Mailing lists, BBS, keypals, chat rooms Language, news, music, movie HPs ETC E-learning, Blended learning Dictionaries Encyclopedias Resource HPS Surveys Polls =Field work =Reference =Interaction New Model
As Education Materials “ Leading students to drink ” My study page One exampleexample English conversation, games, quizzes, travel sites, translation sites, on-line dictionaries, etc. Listening pages Movie trailers News files and scripts Englishes dialects
As a Communication Tool “ Linking with the World ” Keypal sites ( ) US 58%、 UK 16%、 Australia 13% Canada 11% France 19%、 Korea 14%、 China, Italy 7%、 Germany, Russia, Spain 5%、 Brazil, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Sweden …Hong Kong, Africa ? North Korea! Partner classes Mailing lists (Kumamoto-I)Kumamoto-I Chat PowerPoint presentations English conversation: online menusonline menus
As a Research Tool “ finding information ” Translation Sites Translation Sites Online dictionaries Online encyclopedias Questionnaires (polls)polls Traveling Corpus research Answering “ Thank you ” Answering “ Thank you ”
Current Events: an example of blended learning Current events home page hp Current events home pagehp A sample quiz Passwords Chat room A sample chat room day Using excel for grading
A Chat about Chat Three types of chat: Open chat (ICQ, excite) can meet and talk with anyone Semi-private chat (MSN messenger) uses a buddy list Password chat (current events) must use the same password
Dilemma 1: Misconceptions Arts vs. Sciences Computers=>computing The “ better safe than sorry ” syndrome The Internet jungle Learning is not playing No sound, no games, no chat = no fun!
Dilemma 2: Lack of Resources No free-time use No time for authoring No specialists
Dilemma 3: True Dangers Misinformation Internet predators Internet crime Plaigarism
The future: Towards E-learning US education : Most US universities offer distance education programs High school programs are available too High school programs
Japanese education : the die is being cast Monbukagakusho preparations distance learning: up to 60 credits lifelong learning Interuniversity cooperation general education ( 総合学習) University/high school cooperation ( 高大連携) The Okayama University of Science program University credits for high school students!
Possibilities and Proposals 1 Introduction to American Studies Introduction to American Studies ( アメリカ事情)事情 Requirements: Room with one computer per student Video/web camera with sound Home or school free access time (net caf é ok too) MSN messenger (free messaging software) Or
Possibilities and Proposals 2 Information Processing Seminar 1 ( 情報処理演習1)演習 Requirements: All of the above and word, excel (office) Hidemon, Letter chase (free typing software) AND MOST OF ALL: AN ENTHUSIASTIC PARTNER !
Other Considerations Time schedules 5 th period 4:20-5:50 School restrictions Convincing authorities And …..?
A match made in heaven! The match is burning — Shall we light a fire? Thank you. Comments or questions?