Old Earth Ministries Homeschool Series Creation The Second Day
Creation – The Second Day The 2 nd day of creation is discussed by God in Genesis Chapter 1, verses 6 thru 8. We will discuss each verse individually Click to proceed
Creation – The Second Day There is no clear, defined starting point for Day 2. It began roughly between 4 to 4.5 billion years ago Click to proceed The first day ended with the formation of the universe as a whole, and the formation of the earth
Creation – The Second Day “And God said, ‘Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.’ Genesis 1:6 Click to proceed It is generally accepted that the firmament is our atmosphere. The Hebrew word for firmament, raqiya, means “firmament, or visible arch in the sky.” It has been translated correctly in the New International Version as meaning “sky”
Creation – The Second Day When the earth formed 4.5 billion years ago, there was no atmosphere Click to proceed God’s building of our atmosphere was key to the development of the earth, and it’s creation after the events of Day One are in line with astronomer’s models of planetary formation.
Creation – The Second Day And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament; and it was so. Genesis 1:7 Click to proceed The fact that there is water under the firmament is obvious, with our oceans. The waters above the firmament is a more difficult phrase to understand
Creation – The Second Day The waters above refers to water in the atmosphere, or clouds Click to proceed It is clear that God is designing our water cycle. As water evaporates, it forms clouds, and then rain forms. After the water comes back to earth, it evaporates, and the cycle starts over Some people believe in a figurative interpretation, with the waters above meaning “outer space.” Just as you can “sail” over the ocean, you can “sail” through space
Creation – The Second Day Some young-earth theorists believe the waters above are in the cosmos, millions of miles away, and were used by God during the Flood of Noah Click to proceed There is no evidence to support this theory, nor is there any physical laws put in place by God that would provide the mechanism for this to occur
Creation – The Second Day And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day. Genesis 1:8 Click to proceed The firmament, or Heaven, of this verse, is the sky. The New International Version correctly translates this as sky This “heaven” in the King James and other translations, is not the “heaven” we shall reside in after our time on earth
Creation – The Second Day No living organisms were created on Day Two Click to proceed Organisms first appear in the fossil record around 3.8 billion years ago The duration of Day Two is between 200 million and 700 million years
Creation – The Second Day The second day of creation presents no problems for a person who believes in an old earth At the same time, evidence from the fossil record, along with radiometric dating and astronomical data, completely rule out the possibility of the young-earth model This concludes this module on the 2 nd Day of Creation