Bible Blitz IV 1 Purgatory 2 Indulgences 3 Limbo Presenter: Fr. Ed Technician: Ray Hosler Honoree: Deacon Norm
I - Purgatory The Final Purification (ref: CCC: ; 1054, 1055) “Those who die in God’s grace and friendship, but still imperfectly purified are indeed assured of their salvation; but, after death, they undergo purification, so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven.” (CCC:1030)
Purgatory Not a place (J.P.II, 1999) A state, a condition, a process – temporary, will end Cleansing, purification, “punishment”, preparation Different from Hell; heaven assured Can be helped by prayer, sacrifice, indulgences, almsgiving, Mass
Purgatory Holy souls, Poor souls, Suffering souls
Purgatory Scripture - The Bible 1.Old Testament - “Shadows” Sin Stories: Adam and Eve (Gen 3:17-19) Noah (Gen 6-9) Moses (Num 20:12) David (2Sam 12:13-14) 2 Maccabees 12:38-46
Purgatory 2.New Testament – “Nothing defiled shall enter heaven” Matt 12:31 Matt 5: Peter 4:6
Purgatory 3.Tradition - Early Church Fathers, Church Councils Clement of Alexandria (215), Tertullian (225) Origen (254) Cyprian (258) Augustine (430)
Purgatory Teachings: Afterlife; Capable of purification; Cleansing by spiritual fire; Prayers for the dead; Masses for the dead.
Purgatory Councils: Second Council of Lyons (1274) Florence ( ) Trent (1563) Lex Orandi = Lex Credendi “The law of praying = The law of believing”
Purgatory All Souls Day, Nov 2 nd Funeral Masses Masses for the dead Office of the dead “Not bad enough to go to hell; not good enough to go to heaven” Please, pray for me! Thank you!
II - Indulgences (CCC: , 1498) “An Indulgence is a remission before God of the temporal punishment to sin whose guilt has already been forgiven.” (CCC 1471)
Indulgences Not a pardon of sin; not a license to sin Plenary Indulgence – full remission of temporal punishment Partial Indulgence – partial remission of temporal punishment
Indulgences Eternal Punishment – due to unforgiven mortal sin Temporal Punishment – consequence of already forgiven sins State of Grace – required to gain an indulgence
Indulgences Treasury of the Church – Communion of Saints Treasury – superabundant merits of Jesus Christ, our Lady, and all the saints Communion – The church in heaven and the Church on earth can pray and make sacrifices for the Souls in Purgatory that they will be hurried to heaven
How to gain Indulgences State of grace; do the required works; have the intention of gaining the indulgence. The “works” include; certain prayers, fasting, use of certain religiou article, visits to churches, the giving of alms, the reading of the Bible, etc.
A Plenary Indulgence is gained by a person in the state of grace, who intends to gain the indulgence, does the required “work”, receives sacramental confession and Holy Communion, and prays for the intention of the Pope – one Our Father, one Hail Mary.
Some Plenary – Some Partial Indulgences Some History of Indulgences Keys to the Kingdom … Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. (Matt 16:19)
III Limbo (not in CCC) “Border, edge, vestibule, fringe”
Two Limbos 1.Limbo of the Fathers – The “place” where the saints of the Old Testament remained until the redemption was accomplished. 2.Limbo of Infants – The permanent state of unbaptized babies, free from suffering, though denied the happiness of heaven.
“Unless a man be born of water and the Holy Spirit he cannot enter the Kingdom of God.” (Jn 3:5) Limbo – a 13 th century word for our ignorance It has not been revealed what is the destiny of unbaptized babies.
The Hope of Salvation For infants who die without being baptized
The Commission Serious grounds for unbaptized infants’ salvation Not to be used to deny the need for baptism nor to delay its conferral
Foundation Reasons 1.The universal saving will of God. 2.The superabundant power of Christ’s redemption.
Different Forms of Baptism (Being Graced, Christed) 1.Water 2.Blood 3.Desire 4.Adam and Eve 5.Mary – Immaculate Conception 6.John the Baptist – “leap in the womb”
God the Father – not bound by the Sacraments. He can “baptize” His own ways “Let the children come to me … for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” (Matt 19:14, Lk 18:15-16)