WHITE SUN Is a sign from Heaven
Signifying the beginning of the End of the Age
It is a natural predestination which is beyond the ken of human intellect.
It will happen once in every cycle of Heaven and Earth which is 129,600 years per cycle
When Heaven and Earth were created, God called on ten Buddhas to the world, seven to rule and three to amass the souls.
Why is the Final Catastrophe so destructive?
The technology and civilization have reached the Peak
Human beings have disregarded the Truth and Moralities.
The human mind is so deteriorated that most people are driven by desires
Debts and Sins mankind collected have never been so much before. Therefore the magnitudes of catastrophes and destructions will be much greater than before.
Tao of Heaven is known as Tien-Tao or I-Kuan Tao Tao of Heaven is not a religion. It is the Great Salvation of Mankind. WHITE SUN This website is for the people of the world to save the people of the world. Tell a friend and help to spread the words so that the world can be a safer place to live. May God Have Mercy