The Church as a Communion of Saints Chapter 7 Religion 10 Mrs. SaffordSpring Semester Our Lady of Lourdes High School
Questions to think about… What is the Communion of Saints? What is an indulgence? What is a saint?
What is the Communion of Saints? The Communion of Saints is the unity of the members of the Body of Christ on earth, in Purgatory, and in Heaven. Video: Pope Francis on the Communion of Saints Video: Pope Francis on the Communion of Saints Video: Litany of Saints
Project You will create a Facebook page on no more than a ½ sheet of poster board or by using Fakebook for any saint. You may use pictures, and events. You must include the feast day and any relevant information on your saint. This will count as a test grade.
What is an indulgence? The members of the Body of Christ on earth can assist the members in Purgatory through indulgences, that is, remission of the temporal punishment due to already forgiven sin.
What is a saint? A saint is a member of the Church-the Mystical Body of Christ-on earth, in Purgatory, or in Heaven. The Church may officially declare a member of the Church in Heaven to be a saint by canonization, adding him to the calendar and promoting his public veneration.
Question to think about… Why do Catholics venerate Saints?
The Sacred Scriptures, the Early Church, and the Magisterium all testify that the it is a good thing to venerate the Saints in Heaven and pray for their intercession. Video: What’s Up with Catholics and Saints Video: What’s Up with Catholics and Saints
Homework For the last time this semester, write the definition of each of these vocabulary words: Apocalypse Canonization Church Militant Church Suffering Church Triumphant Intercessory Prayers Last Judgment Parousia Purgatory Vicar of Christ
Questions to think about…. What is the final judgment? What is the relationship between the heaven and earthly liturgies?
What is the final judgment? At the Final Judgment, every person will be judged by his good and evil acts and by how he has responded to the grace Christ offered to Him.
What is the relationship between the heaven and earthly liturgies? The Mass is a participation in a liturgy that is constantly taking place in Heaven with Christ as the Eternal High Priest.
Questions to think about… What is the particular judgment? What is purgatory? How can you help the souls in purgatory?
What is the Particular Judgment? The Particular Judgment is when each soul is judged by Christ immediately upon death and then enters Heaven (either directly or after purification) or Hell. Video: The End of the World
What is purgatory? Purgatory is a state in which the just soul undergoes a purification that involves both joy and suffering before entering into heaven.
How can we help the souls in purgatory? We can aid the souls in Purgatory through our prayers, Masses, indulgences, alms, and sacrifices. Video: What is heaven, hell and purgatory? Video: What is heaven, hell and purgatory?
Questions to think about… What is heaven? What is hell? What is the Parousia?
What is heaven? Heaven is the state of complete happiness with the rest of the Blessed Souls in enjoying the vision of God.
What is hell? Hell is the state of self chosen eternal separation from God, who is the only source of happiness.
What is the Parousia? The Parousia is the Second Coming of Christ and the Final Judgment at the end of time. So, every praise is due our God!!!! Video: Every Praise
Citations Saint Francis and the Communion of Saints. Catholic News Service. Posted on 10/30/13 at Litany of Saints. Michelle Sherliza, OP. Posted on 9/10/11 at Every Praise. Hezekiah Walker. Posted on 10/17/13 at What is Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory. Archdiocese of Milwaukee with Bishop Don Hying. Posted on 11/12/13 at What’s Up with Catholics and Saints? Archdiocese of Milwaukee with Bishop Hying. Posted on 10/25/13 at The End of the World? Archdiocese of Milwaukee with Bishop Hying. Posted on 11/15/13 at Book: Haun, Scott. The Church: Sacrament of Salvation. 1 st ed. Woodridge: Midwest Theological Forum, Pictures were taken from various sources via Google images