I am still picking up a faint signal ahead
I am still trying to boost it sir.
I’ll go towards the origin I think.
It’s the Enterprise
It is Kirk’s Enterprise. The original
Impossible, it was destroyed.
Permission to beam over.
Go on then
ENGINEERING The Warp core is offline, permission to bring it online
Can you do it?
ENGINEERING If you can beam some Warp particles into the warp core then yes.
Ok, beaming now
ENGINEERING It’s coming online now
Is it online?
Wow, it worked.
ENGINEERING I’ve got environmental controls on the bridge restored, beam over
Now what?
ENGINEERING See what happened, 117 years ago.
We have just Cloaked.
ENGINEERING I don’t know how, the enterprise has no cloaking device..
According to logs the self destruct sequence was cancelled. Then they cloaked, and sensors picked up a hologram.
ENGINEERING What on earth? It is possible that the klingons installed a cloaking device on board, and hid it from Kirk and his crew, but they definitely saw it blow up.
If there was a hologram then maybe that’s what they saw.
ENGINEERING Where would the klingons get holo technology?
The Ferengi, they have wanted star fleet ships for years, they had holo technology.
ENGINEERING Then why is the ship still here?
Let’s ask one of star fleets klingons.
There was a star ship that the klingons lost, one of the tactical officers changed his mind and helped star fleet, but the klingons are vague on missions they have lost. This klingon who helped on behalf of Star fleet was expelled to an M class planet, you may find his ancestors there. They may know.
Star Fleet sent a ship to the planet and found his ancestors, they say this klingon sent the enterprise off at warp speed, to get it out of the area, But he never told the klingons what the coordinates were, so they never found it. The Klingons thought that Kirk had infected the ship to stop the klingons. So then they were after him, it wasn’t until they crossed “the final frontier” while chasing Kirk that they saw that it was useless.
ENGINEERING We need to return this to star fleet
Well, do you have engines?
Next Episode coming soon When Captain Hawkins responds to a distress call, little does he know that the people he is rescuing are more powerful than the defences he raises. The Enterprise enters battle with the klingons.