One World: A Selection of Children’s Maps Children’s Maps from The Barbara Petchenik’s Children’s Map Competition Mariah Thorpe, ECI 524.


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Presentation transcript:

One World: A Selection of Children’s Maps Children’s Maps from The Barbara Petchenik’s Children’s Map Competition Mariah Thorpe, ECI 524

Brazil I think this image shows this child learned at some point that infants offer hope and promise in the future. In some religions and cultures, traditions say that as long as infants are born there is hope for the future. This map grabbed my attention because I also believe that children possess a special view of love and belief in all people.

Chile This map has a more religious theme, suggesting that this child may have been educated within a more religious setting. This map demonstrates the eye of the creator somewhat saddened by the state of the world. The tears off him, still appear to bring forth beauty and life to a struggling planet. It also suggest the teaching that God still surrounds the planet to provide some sense of peace in the midst of struggle. This map full of religious imagery, shows that this child believes in a future only through the support of peace and mercy of a greater power.

Australia This map is demonstrates the belief that our world is in disarray and must be healed in order to truly move forward in the future. This theme was recurring in the maps as many people believe that we are truly in dire need of world peace. This image suggests that there are two sides of the future, one of harmony and one of unrest. The words imply the child believes a bright future is still possible, with enough support and effort from all.

Azerbaijan This map was a dynamic metaphor! I will probably find a way to use this in my classroom! This child has been taught that there are a lot of problems that need to be remedied in our world. In this child’s eyes, every country and nation in the world needs healing and peace for future peace.

Canada This map as well as others makes an emphasis on making the world better for children. This map reflects the belief or instruction that children hold a special place in the success of the future.

Iran When I saw this map, I knew I could not include it in my presentation! This map to me reflects a slightly more mature understanding of the state of the world. This child has believes (either through learning or experience) that children often bear the brunt of unrest in the world. This powerful metaphor suggests that if peace or diplomacy is not met by many nations in our world, we will ultimately self destruct our own opportunity for a better future.

Buenos Aires This image of an eye seeing everything in one image is a powerful reflection of learning. This child has learned to see the whole picture before seeing the individual detail. As you see this image initially, you recognize the general contents of the eye; however, as you look closer you also come to see the eye appreciates the individual detail of each individual. This child has learned that seeing an individual is just as important as seeing the larger picture.

Finland This map from a child in Finland represents a recurring theme that we all posses a unique value in the connection of the world. This image shows that this child has learned that individual contribution and effort is important because it can ultimately result in positive outcomes on a larger scale.

Spain This map stood out to me as unique as well. I love the idea of outweighing so many negative things that afflict our world. I think this child has learned that often times we associated achieving some obstacles as impossible, when in fact the only ingredient missing is effort and commitment. This child has learned that the world is disproportionately weighed with negative energy and ideals and in need of much more good!

Thank You for viewing. Mariah Thorpe