Basic POSIX component for EMS May 12 th, 2006 Hiro Kishimoto
Deployment Infrastructure Portal Host1Host2Host3 Client Component & Posix binary archive (ACS?) Basic Posix component Basic Posix template BLAST binary BLAST CDL document
Component & Posix binary archive (ACS?) Basic Posix component Basic Posix template BLAST binary BLAST CDL document Portal Host1Host2Host3 Client <> BLAST CDL document Refer to CodeBase executable Retrieved (step 3)
Component & Posix binary archive (ACS?) Basic Posix component Basic Posix template BLAST binary BLAST CDL document Deploy Component Portal Host1Host2Host3 Client <> BLAST CDL document Refer to CodeBase executable
Component & Posix binary archive (ACS?) Basic Posix component Basic Posix template BLAST binary BLAST CDL document Deploy BLAST binary Portal Host1Host3 Client BLAST CDL document executable <> executable
Basic POSIX component Identified “gap” between family of CDDLM specs and EMS services Provide services –Application binary installation –File system mount –Pre-script In case of BLAST, database setup –Provide output (will be incorporated in JSDL document) Host name Application path Environment variables –In case of BLAST, “PATH” and “TMPDIR”
Application Binary Installation element Four children elements 1. element Binary location “package type” attribute: e.g. “tar” 2. element Owner of installed file: e.g. “chris” 3. element Group of installed file: e.g. “hpc” 4. element Permission of the installed file: e.g. “755” chris hpc 755
File System Mount element Three children elements 1. element “normal” or “temporary” 2. element Pathname for mount point: e.g. /home/csmith 3. element Amount of space (byte) normal /home/ssmith
Pre-script element Script file location with “type” attribute Need more thoughts Note by Chris Smith: There might be some more information needed depending on whether the database is already formatted, or if it's in FASTA format still. From the point of view of a provisioning engine, you might need to specify a command to run to format the FASTA file, or it might be a set of files that is the result of the formatting that need to be staged.
Output and element cdl:lasy=“true”
Environment Varialble element cdl:lasy=“true”