James Madison High School Developed by Norma Gimber Under the Direction of: Virginia Eves, Principal, Advisory Lessons Based on Sean Covey’s Seven Steps of Highly Effective Teens
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens Habits Are Easy to Form… Habits Are Easy to Form… Habits are Hard to Break… Habits are Hard to Break… The following Seven Habits, if practiced, will lead a teen to self-fulfillment, success and happiness.
Lessons The Lessons Are Structured In The Following Way: General introduction General introduction Word study Word study Reading Reading Reflective writing Reflective writing Checking for understanding Checking for understanding Discussion or written What does this mean to me?
The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective Teens Are: Habit 1: Be Proactive Take responsibility for your life Habit 2: Begin With The End In Mind Define your mission and goals in life Habit 3: Put Things First Prioritize, and do the most important things first
Habit 4: Think Win-Win Have An Everyone Can-Win Attitude Habit 5: Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood Listen To People Sincerely Habit 6: Synergize Work Together To Achieve More Habit 7: Sharpen The Saw Renew Yourself Regularly
Get control of your life Improve your relationships with your friends Make smarter decisions Get along with your parents Overcome addiction Define your values and what matters most to you Get more done in less time Increase your self- confidence Be happy Find balance between school, work, friends, and everything else Lesson 1
What Is a Habit? GoodNeutralBad
Synonyms for the word habit are: Custom-Tendency- Proclivity-Penchant- Obsession-Bent- Routine-Inclination- Habits Are: Things We Do RepeatedlyThings We Do Repeatedly Most of the Time, We Are Hardly Aware That We Have ThemMost of the Time, We Are Hardly Aware That We Have Them Habits Have Tremendous Power Over the IndividualHabits Have Tremendous Power Over the Individual Habits Are: Things We Do RepeatedlyThings We Do Repeatedly Most of the Time, We Are Hardly Aware That We Have ThemMost of the Time, We Are Hardly Aware That We Have Them Habits Have Tremendous Power Over the IndividualHabits Have Tremendous Power Over the Individual
And Lesson 2
. Other words for Paradigm are: Other words for Paradigm are: Model-Pattern- Criterion-Standard- Archetype-Prototype- Principle- Engagement: Paradigm is the way you see somethingParadigm is the way you see something Your point of view, frame of reference, or beliefYour point of view, frame of reference, or belief We have Paradigms about ourselves, other people, and about life in generalWe have Paradigms about ourselves, other people, and about life in generalEngagement: Paradigm is the way you see somethingParadigm is the way you see something Your point of view, frame of reference, or beliefYour point of view, frame of reference, or belief We have Paradigms about ourselves, other people, and about life in generalWe have Paradigms about ourselves, other people, and about life in general
Paradigms of self- are your paradigms of yourself helping or hindering you? Paradigms of others- why should you analyze and be truly cognizant of your paradigms of others? What are the consequences of inaccurate or incomplete paradigms of others? Paradigms of life- what are paradigms of life? Explain why each of the following is not a valid life center: FFFFriend-centered SSSStuff-centered BBBBoyfriend/girlfriend-centered SSSSchool-centered PPPParent-centered OOOOther possible centered
Principle-Centered The Real Thing What is a Principle? Other words for Principle are: RRRRegulation- CCCCanon- PPPPrescript- PPPParameter- RRRRule- SSSStandard- “Yard by yard life is hard, but inch by inch, life’s a cinch!”
Polonius; Advice to Laerties From “Hamlet” William Shakespeare There, -My blessing with you! And these few precepts in thy memory see thou character. Give thy thoughts to tongue, nor any unproportion’d thought his act. The friends thou hast, and their adoption tried, grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel; But do not dull thy palm with entertainment of each new-hatched, unfledged comrade. Beware of entrance to a quarrel; But being in, bear’d that the opposed may beware of thee. Give every man thine ear, but few my voice; Take each man’s censure, but reserve thy judgment. Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy, but not expressed in fancy; rich, nor gaudy: for the apparel oft proclaims the man. Neither a borrower nor a lender be, for loan oft loses both itself and friend. And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry. This above all: to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.
Lesson 3
Accountability: Introspection (from the Latin intro-within, specere- to look) Introspection (from the Latin intro-within, specere- to look) Self- Image Self- Image Objectivity Objectivity Generosity Generosity Thoughtfulness Thoughtfulness Kindness Kindness
Opportunity Edward R. Sill This I Beheld, or Dreamed It in a Dream:- There Spread a Cloud of Dust Along, a Plain: and Underneath the Could, or in It, Raged a Furious Battle, and Men Yelled, and Swords Shocked Upon Swords and Shields. A Prince’s Banner Wavered, Then Staggered Backward, Hemmed by Foes. A Craven Hung Along the Battle’s Edge, and Thought,” Had I a Sword of Keener Steel- That Blue Blade That the King’s Son Bears- but This Blunt Thing!”- He Snapped and Flung It From His Hand. And Lowering Crept Away and Left the Field. Then Came the King’s Son, Wounded, Sore Bestead, and Weaponless, and Saw the Broken Sword, Hilt-buried in the Dry and Trodden Sand, and Ran and Snatched It, and With Battle- shout Lifted Afresh He Hewed His Enemy Down, and Saved a Great Cause That Heroic Day.
Lesson 4
Responsibility: Active Active Proactive Proactive Reactive Reactive Self-awareness Self-awareness Conscience Conscience Imagination Imagination Will- Power Will- Power
No ControlControl
Role Models
Invictus By: William Ernest Henley Out of the Night That Covers Me, Black As the Pit From Pole to Pole, I Thank Whatever Gods May Be. For Me Unconquerable Soul. In the Fell Clutch of Circumstance I Have Not Winced nor Cried Aloud. Under the Bludgeonings of Chance My Head Is Bloody, but Undowed. Beyond This Place of Wrath and Tears Looms but the Horror of the Shade, and Yet the Menace of the Years Finds, and Shall Find Me, Unafraid. It Mattes Not How Straight the Gate, How Charged With Punishments the Scroll, I Am the Master of My Fate; I Am the Captain of My Soul.
Attitude “ I Am Convinced That Life Is 10% What Happens to Me and 90% How I React to It. And So It Is With You… Was Are in Charge of Our Attitude! The Longer I Live, the More I Realize the Impact of Attitude on Life. Attitude, to Me, Is More Important That Facts. It Is More Important Than the Past, Than Education, Than Money, Than Circumstances, Than Failures, Than Success, Than What People Think or Say or Do. It Is More Important That Appearance, Giftedness or Skill. It Will Make or Break a Home… a Company… a Church. The Remarkable Thing Is We Have a Choice Everyday Regarding the Attitude We Embrace for That Day. We Cannot Change Our Past… We Cannot Change the Fact That People Will Act in a Certain Way. We Cannot Change the Inevitable. The Only Thing We Can Do Is Play on the One String We Have, and That Is Our Attitude.”