Central European Monarchs Clash Too much drama!
The Thirty Years’ War Conflict was inevitable b/c of the Peace of Augsburg Both Catholics AND Lutherans in Germany feared the Calvinists War sparked by Ferdinand II (Catholic and foreign – treated Protestants badly) Conflict really about power, territory and religion among ruling families
Thirty Years’ War continued Two major phases: –Hapsburg triumphs –Hapsburg defeats 1.Triumphs – Hapsburg armies from Austria and Spain defeat all the troops hired by Protestant princes. Hapsburg army wanted to win b/c Ferdinand II said the army could rob the German villages.
Thirty Years’ War continued 2. Hapsburg Defeats – German and Swedish Protestants + Cardinal Richelieu and Cardinal Mazarin of France = defeated the Hapsburgs * WHY would two Catholic Frenchmen gang up against the Hapsburgs?
The Peace of Westphalia 1648 – Germany was devastated! Important consequences: –Weakened Hapsburg states of Spain and Austria –Strengthened France by giving it German land –Separated German princes from the Holy Roman Emperor –Ended religious wars in Europe –Introduced new method of negotiating peace
The Point? No more Catholic Empire ruling over Europe – independent states ruled for themselves Beginning of the modern state system
Ferdinand II - Habsburg, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, King of Hungary and Bohemia (with his court midget) His hatred for the Protestants caused the 30 years’ war
Central Europe vs. The West Central Europe: Economy different Serfs not free – not even allowed to move into cities Kings and empires also weak – no income, no standing armies and no law courts Holy Roman Empire = WEAK after war The West: Serfs win freedom and become middle class people Were taxed to build up large armies
Drama in Central Europe Hapsburgs of Austria (Austria was the most powerful state in the Holy Roman Empire after the War) Eventually Hapsburg power went to Charles VI’s oldest daughter’s hands, Maria Theresa Maria soon found herself in war with Prussia (the state north of Austria)
The Ruler of Austria Maria Theresa – as a child (below) and an adult (right)
Prussia and Austria Clash Prussia (north of Austria) led by King Frederick William I Frederick William I bought the nobility’s allegiance and created a tight military society He beheaded his son’s best friend (wanted to make his son tough), and his son eventually took the throne as Frederick the Great
Frederick the Great Followed father’s hard military policies (big standing army) Thought the role of a government was to expand its territories Was an atheist who disliked his wife and never had kids
Austria vs. Prussia Frederick the Great assumed that Maria would be easy to bully b/c she was a woman Battled Prussia for a while but eventually lost Eventually both countries (Austria and Prussia) got involved in different alliances throughout Europe
Seven Years’ War A miniature world war – everyone got sucked in w/ the alliances and eventually got the colonies involved