Working Effectively With Groups Lady Cox
Who’s the Boss?
Stages of Groups Created by Bruce Tuckman in 1965 Show the stages of high-performance groups Help groups identify current stages
Group Stages Forming Storming Norming Performing
Forming Members are positive and polite Roles and responsibilites are unclear Pride in being chosen for group Initial “silent” leaders take the rein Very short stage, may last only 1 meeting
Storming Defensiveness, competition, choosing sides People disagree and blame team concept Silent leaders clash for control Overwhelmed by work to be done Stage will take 3-4 meetings or more
Norming Hierarchy is established Roles are clear and accepted Leaders may have changed A sense of team cohesion, spirit, goals Harmony is attempted by avoiding conflict
Performing Group has a shared vision and can stand on its own feet Focus on over-achieving goals Close attachment to the group Members understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses A lot of work is getting done
Tuckman’s Model
Forming First stage Introductions Polite and kind Very brief Storming Conflict on goal Conflict between members Groups form Questioning group Norming Agreement and consensus Progress toward goal Team cohesion Natural leaders emerge Performing Shared Vision Autonomy Effective, cohesive unit Close attachment Where am I?
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What are things you can do to make your groups run better, faster, and more effective?
Manage First Impressions Be careful about artifacts Stay away from hot topics Make discussions non-threatening
Every complainer is a volunteer in disguise. Listen intently Give them control of the problem Value their opinion
Make certain EVERY person agrees with the goal.
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.
Want something done? Give it to a busy person.
Create jobs for all kinds of people.
Create quick jobs that can be completed in 1 hour, 1 day, 1 instance.
Treat your VIP’s like VIP’s.
Don’t underestimate the value of chocolate.
Remember to laugh.
When problems arise (and they will), handle them with grace.
Thank people genuinely and thank them often.
Don’t care about the credit.
Celebrate your success.