State Building in South Sudan Clash of International and Domestic priorities Illés Zoltán Pécs, 15 June 2012.
South Sudan – newcomer in the Inernational Community Independence – 9 July 2011 Domestic and Inernational Expectations Actors and goals Unfinished business with Sudan Closing the taps
The external actors in the scramble for South Sudan Security and development North – US, UK, Norway, EU and its member states South – China, India, Malaysia Regional players – Uganda, Ethiopia, Kenya UN – UNMISS, UNDP, WFO, UNHCR NGOs Church and faith based organizations
Anatomy of a domestic strategy SPLM/A to absorb the opposition Internal dynamics – armed insurgencies and ethnic violence Stop oil export, cut from Sudan - “I reject the proposition that the best way to peace with Sudan is through dependence on Sudan. No nation can prosper by surrendering control of its economy to another.” From loans to new pipeline The border areas –Abyei and the disputed territories Independence?
Analysis of a foreign policy The „good guy” Internatonal Community is losing patience? AUHIP talks failed? Occupation of Heglig/Panthou Talks continue „Too many agreements dishonoured.”
How to build South Sudan? International Community: assistance or greed? SPLM: survive and grow Avoid African state building traps Future?
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