Who Is In Charge Around Here Anyway? 17 Aug 2014 by Charles Pang 1 ACTS 5.17- 6.7 Lesson 7.


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Presentation transcript:

Who Is In Charge Around Here Anyway? 17 Aug 2014 by Charles Pang 1 ACTS Lesson 7

Key Message : “ All the believers were one in heart and mind” Having the same heart and mind. A unique unity The danger of hypocrisy. An insidious mischief The growth of the church threatened. What is at stake? 2

Key Message : “ All the believers were one in heart and mind” The danger of hypocrisy. An insidious mischief 3 The Devil schemes from within the church.  Understanding the enemy, he continues to test us.  Understanding his tactics, he searches our hearts, like God does. o He is a sifter. o See Amos 9.9 and Lk What was the real sin of Ananias and Sapphira? Let’s discuss The hearts of Ananias and Sapphire were clouded. (Acts )  The glory of giving become a stumbling block, exploited by the Devil.  Ananias and Sapphire desire was pure, but could not follow through. o Clouded by glory. o Devised to hide and lie. o Became hypocrites.

Key Message : “ All the believers were one in heart and mind” The growth of the church threatened. What is at stake? 4 Why was this such a big deal? What was at stake? Let’s discuss Ananias and Sapphire died for their lie and “great fear siezed the whole church”  Did the punishment fit the crime? o Nadab and Abihu (Lev 10) o Man who was gathering wood on Sabbath day (Num 15) o Uzzah who touched the ark of God (2 Sam 6)  What was the effect on the church? No ordinary situation.  Young church with young faith. A sense of Godly Fear, a right perspective.  Heb  Act 9.31  Rm Need to have a low tolerance of hypocrisy.

Memory Text - Acts 5:39 “But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God” 5 Reading Text – Acts 5.17 – 6.7 Who Is In Charge Around Here Anyway? 17 Aug 2014 by Charles Pang

Key Message : “ Surrender to God or Fight God” The struggle for control over God’s people. A Clash of Power Servant leadership. A Real Leader Serves Recognizing His sovereignty. A Case for God 6

Key Questions 7 Who Is In Charge Around Here Anyway? 10 Aug 2014 by Charles Pang 1. In Acts 5.34 – 39, Gamalial addressed the Sanhedrin, why did he refer to various rebels and their consequences? 2. From Acts 6.1-7, how can we tell whether our leaders today are servant leaders or power hoarders?

Key Message : “ Surrender to God or Fight God” The struggle for control over God’s people. A Clash of Power 8 Who were the genuine leaders of the early church? Official rulers vs Jesus’ apostles o 1 st persecution, they were greatly disturbed. (4.2) o 2 nd persecution, they were filled with jealousy. (5.17) and later, were so furious with murderous intent (5.33) o Capturing apostles showed a desire for control. o Yet a spirit of timidity prevailed, always feared what the people thought or could do to them. (5.26) 1 st persecution, Peter and John were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke boldly. (4.8, 4.13) 2 nd persecution, the apostles continue to heal the sick in health and in spirits (5.16) and preached a new life.(5.20) Captured apostles showed power in speech. (5.29) The apostles displayed dogged resilience, whatever was done to them (5.41)

Key Message : “ Surrender to God or Fight God” The struggle for control over God’s people. A Clash of Power 9 o Gamaliel  Most respected Rabbi, tutored Saul.  Chose “middle of the road” solution, wanted to buy time, adopted “wait and see” tactic.  Did not heed the gospel call, did not obey, did not have the Holy Spirit (5.32) Who were the genuine leaders of the early church? Official rulers vs Jesus’ apostles Key Question 1. In Acts 5.34 – 39, Gamaliel addressed the Sanhedrin, why did he refer to various rebels and their consequences? o Peter and the apostles Clear about who is in charge “We must obey God rather than men!” (5.29) Focused on message “and so is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey him.”(5.32)

Key Message : “ Surrender to God or Fight God” Servant leadership. A Real Leader Serves 10  In those days, when the number of disciples were increasing. (Acts 6.1)  “The number of disciples increased rapidly, and a large number of priests become obedient to the faith” Acts 6:7  120 apostles and believers at the beginning.  3,000 on 1 st day of Pentecost, Acts 2:41.  5,000 by Acts 4:4  “More and more men and women” Acts 5:14 “In those days, when the number of disciples were increasing…”

Key Message : “ Surrender to God or Fight God” Servant leadership. A Real Leader Serves 11 o Grecian Jews and Hebriac Jews did not get along. o Cultural and social problems developed. o How did the leaders respond? “In those days, when the number of disciples were increasing… so did the needs of the community.” They heard. They responded. They chose wisely They remained focus on the mission. Key Question From Acts 6.1-7, how can we tell whether our leaders today are servant leaders or power hoarders?

Key Message : “ Surrender to God or Fight God” Recognizing His sovereignty. A Case for God 12 With so much going on, the real question is “Who is really in charge around here anyway?”  The priestly council ?  The apostles?  The Holy Spirit?  All 3 seems to exert a measureable of influence the early church.

Key Message : “ Surrender to God or Fight God” Recognizing His sovereignty. A Case for God 13 We need to see what God is doing and respond to it. First temptation of the serpent is to have man “be like God”. We need to cede control to God, else we look as silly as the rulers. Only God is in control. Hence prayer is more important the planning of ministry. Apostles and believers do not forsake prayer. (4.24, 6.4 and 6.6)

Key Message : “ Surrender to God or Fight God” The struggle for control over God’s people. A Clash of Power Servant leadership. A Real Leader Serves Recognizing His sovereignty. A Case for God 14

Learning to Retell Our Story? 24 Aug 2014 by Charles Pang 15 ACTS 6.8 to 8.3Lesson 8

Key Message : “ Surrender to God or Fight God” The struggle for control over God’s people. A Clash of Power Servant leadership. A Real Leader Serves Recognizing His sovereignty. A Case for God 16

Memory Text – Acts 6.10 “But they could not stand up against his wisdom or the Spirit by whom he spoke” 17 Reading Text – Acts 6.8 – 8.3 Learning to Retell Our Story 24 Aug 2014 by Charles Pang

Key Questions 18 Learning to Retell Our Story 24 Aug 2014 by Charles Pang Stephan did not say anything new that his audience did not already know, yet the priests could not accept their own history, why is this so?