Mechanical and Chemical Digestion
Tootsie Roll Experiment 1-3 Time how long it takes for the entire Tootsie Roll to disappear for each situation: Partner 1: Puts a Tootsie Roll in their mouth and does not chew. Partner 2: Chews a Tootsie Roll. Do not swallow until the Tootsie Roll has completely disappeared.
What happened? 4-7 MECHANICAL DIGESTION 4. Chewing is a form of mechanical digestion. How would you define mechanical digestion? 5-7. Name 3 structures of the mouth that aided in mechanical digestion of the Tootsie Roll?
Cracker Experiment 8-9 Place the cracker in your mouth. What’s happening? How? Like the Tootsie Roll, the cracker breaks down into smaller nutrients even without the assistance of mechanical digestion. How would you define chemical digestion? The cracker you put in your mouth was composed of starch. After chemical digestion took place, the starch was converted to a sugar called maltose. Try it again, does the cracker taste sweeter over time?
The enzyme found in your mouth is salivary amylase Reviewing Enzymes 10-15 If you’ve forgotten, review the previous slide to determine the substrate. If you’ve forgotten, review the previous slide to determine the product. The enzyme found in your mouth is salivary amylase
Swallowing is next Now fill a cup with water. 16-18 Now fill a cup with water. When you are ready to swallow the water, put your thumb and index finger gently around your Adam’s apple and try and prevent the larynx from moving upward. Swallow. Click on the picture to better understand swallowing. Make sure the sound is on.
Click on the picture to watch peristalsis in action- More on peristalsis 19-20 Waves of muscle contractions move the bolus (swallowed food) through the esophagus. This process is called peristalsis. Click on the picture to watch peristalsis in action- real footage.
The Stomach A whole lot of mixing and churning goes on in the stomach 21-24 A whole lot of mixing and churning goes on in the stomach And there’s chemical digestion too. Watch the video by clicking on the picture.
Digestion in the Small Intestine 25 Study the picture and watch the video to better understand mechanical digestion in the small intestine:
Visit this link to learn the names of the enzymes that carry out chemical digestion in the small intestine:
Complete the Introductory Notes Types of digestion Enzymes involved