Personification and Imagery June 2, 2008
Personification Definition – giving human qualities to animals or objects Definition – giving human qualities to animals or objects EX: The desk sighed with relief when the student left. EX: The desk sighed with relief when the student left. EX: The trees danced in the wind. EX: The trees danced in the wind. EX: The rock skipped over the water. EX: The rock skipped over the water.
“Mirror” by Sylvia Plath The mirror--the "I" in the first line--is given the ability to speak, see and swallow, as well as human attributes such as truthfulness. The mirror--the "I" in the first line--is given the ability to speak, see and swallow, as well as human attributes such as truthfulness. I am silver and exact. I have no preconceptions. Whatever I see I swallow immediately Just as it is, unmisted by love or dislike. I am not cruel, only truthful--
Imagery Definition – a literary reference to the 5 senses (touch, taste, hearing, seeing, smelling); the author creates a picture or image in your mind Definition – a literary reference to the 5 senses (touch, taste, hearing, seeing, smelling); the author creates a picture or image in your mind
“Litany” Billy Collins You are the bread and the knife, the crystal goblet and the wine. You are the dew on the morning grass and the burning wheel of the sun.
“if you like my poems let them” e.e. cummings “if you like my poems let them walk in the evening, a little behind you”
“The Dream Keeper” Langston Hughes Bring me all of your dreams, You dreamers, Bring me all of your Heart melodies That I may wrap them In a blue-cloud cloth Away from the too-rough fingers Of the world.
Assignment A #1 – Create a Personification Chart in your Poetry Notebook #1 – Create a Personification Chart in your Poetry Notebook #2 – Fill in the chart with at least 20 items to personify. #2 – Fill in the chart with at least 20 items to personify. My example My example has 5. has 5. Chairsighed Shoe dance d Carpurred Flowerwinked Waterwhispered
Assignment B #1 – Create a senses chart. 5 senses = 5 entries. #1 – Create a senses chart. 5 senses = 5 entries. Fill in the chart with imagery words to describe the “______”. Fill in the chart with imagery words to describe the “______”. Look Taste Feel Smell Hear