BRINGING BACK THE BLUEBIRDS! By Dan Lee and Nancy Feagans, from the Palos Verdes South Bay Audubon Society June 3, 2009
2 There are 3 Kinds of Bluebirds: Eastern Bluebirds Mountain Bluebirds Western Bluebirds Western Bluebirds live here in Southern California What sounds do these birds make? June 3, 2009
3 Why we want to help Bluebirds used to be able to find old, dead trees with holes called cavities and build their nests inside. But in recent years most of the old trees have been cut down to make way for homes, businesses, and shopping malls. Other birds like House Sparrows and European Starlings will attack and drive away the Bluebirds because they want to build their nest in the same cavities. June 3, 2009
4 So we decided to make a Bluebird Trail with nest boxes in Harbor Park! Last October with the help of Bluebird expert Dick Purvis we hung 10 nest boxes in trees - new homes for the Bluebirds! June 3, 2009
5 Here’s a view of our Bluebird Trail from above June 3, 2009
6 ….and in April, the Bluebirds moved in! Look what we found in Box 13 – a mother Bluebird and 6 Bluebird eggs in the nest! Now we check the nest boxes once a week… June 3, 2009
7 Soon the eggs hatch and Box 13 has brand-new baby Bluebirds! We feel like new Grandparents! June 3, 2009
8 Dan lowers Box 13 to check on the babies… The Bluebird mom and dad are keeping watch! June 3, 2009
9 Here are the Bluebird babies in Box 13 at 2 weeks old. Aren’t they cute? June 3, 2009
10 Feeding the baby a bug! June 3, 2009
11 At 3 weeks old, the babies have flown (fledged) from the nest box; here the dad still feeds a fledgling. Soon, the mom and dad will teach the young Bluebirds how to catch their own food. June 3, 2009
12 A Danger to Nesting Bluebirds At Easter time every year, a lot of the plastic grass from Easter baskets is left outside and in parks where Bluebirds and other birds build their nests. This is very dangerous to birds and their babies. June 3, 2009
13 Other cavity nesting birds like the nest boxes, too; I wonder who’s in Box 9? June 3, 2009
14 The Tree Swallows seem to like our boxes! Inside Box 9 we found a nest with tiny white eggs; see how the Tree Swallows use a lot of feathers to build their nests? See the Tree Swallow perched on the front of box 9? June 3, 2009
15 The Tree Swallow babies are ready to fledge! June 3, 2009
16 Western Bluebirds and Tree Swallows can live happily near each other. This is called nest box “pairing.” June 3, 2009
17 We hope you enjoyed this show… … and don’t forget to look for the beautiful Bluebirds when you go outside! June 3, 2009