Hello my name is Jane and I’m going to tell you about my life.
HELP!!!!!!!!! Where am I? I can't remember anything!!!!! Hello, I am Doctor short. You were in a comma for three years, you've just woken up, come with me
What's going to happen to me, I can't remember anything, can you help? Yes I can help you but we'll have to go into the past to help you remember your family and everything that happened you.
But how are we meant to travel into the past? We will have to blast into the past. Come with me to my Tablet Cabinet!!!!
Here is my Tablet Cabinet, I wonder if there is a Capsule for going back in time!!!
Wait here and I will have a look for 2 Time Travelling Capsules. I think I have found something!!
Look what I have found, I got the 2 time travelling Capsules!!! That’s great now we can travel into the past and I’ll remember everything!!!
I really want to get my memory back, you take one capsule and I’ll take the other, then we will swallow it!!! I will take mine first and then you can take yours!!!
Where are we? I’m not sure but I think I know where we can go, come with me!!! Ok then!!!
Get your map of your past here. All free!!!! Get now!!!!! Here we are, now all we have to do is get your map and find are way to gather all your memories!!!!!!!
Hello can I please have the map of Jane Eccles? Yes of course, here take this map and you will find your way to all your memories!!! Thank you we will go now, goodbye!!!!!
Lets go open it and see what is inside!!!!! Ok lets see!!!!!
2000= 2001= 2002= 2003= 2004= 2005= 2006= 2007= 2008= 2009= 2010= 2011= What is it???? It’s the map of your life, what we will do is go through all the years you have been alive and you will remember everything!!!!!!!! That’s great, we’ll better hurry up!!! So where do we go? We just simply look at the 2000 on the map and see were the arrow is pointing and then go in that direction!!! Lets go in that direction then!!!
Where are we????? We are in the hospital you were born, called the Erne hospital which is situated in Enniskillen Co. Fermanagh.
That day you also met your family, who was your mum and dad, Karen and Michael Eccles and your older sister Clara Eccles!!!
2000= 2001= 2002= 2003= 2004= 2005= 2006= 2007= 2008= 2009= 2010= 2011= I already feel like I know a lot more, where will we go next? I think we should go to 2001!!!!!!!!! Ok, lets go!!!!
Here is 2001, you started to walk and ate food, your first word was dada and you had your first birthday party!!!! That’s great to know, where to next?
2000= 2001= 2002= 2003= 2004= 2005= 2006= 2007= 2008= 2009= 2010= 2011= Would you like to go to 2002????? Yes that’s great, lets go!!!!!
In 2002 your sister went to school, you missed her but you loved spending lots of time with your mum and dad!!!! This time I brought the map with us!!! 2000= 2001= 2002= 2003= 2004= 2005= 2006= 2007= 2008= 2009= 2010= 2011= Now we should go to 2003!!!!
In 2003 you went to England for a holiday and when you came back you got a West Highland Terrier dog and you named her Millie!!!! I feel like lots of my memory has come back, I cannot wait until we have heard about all the years I have lived in!!!! You also went to playschool were you made lots of friends and enjoyed yourself!!!!
2000= 2001= 2002= 2003= 2004= 2005= 2006= 2007= 2008= 2009= 2010= 2011= Lets go to 2004!!!!!
2000= 2001= 2002= 2003= 2004= 2005= 2006= 2007= 2008= 2009= 2010= 2011= Your Teacher was Miss Brennan and your two best friends were Ciara and Leanne!!!!!!! In 2004 you were very excited as you were going to St. Ninnidh’s Primary School in Derrylin along with your sister. Let’s go to 2005!!!!
2000= 2001= 2002= 2003= 2004= 2005= 2006= 2007= 2008= 2009= 2010= 2011= In 2005 you had a great year in P.2 and you had a wonderful time at your sister’s Communion!!! This is great information, soon all my memory will be back to normal!!!! Let’s go to 2006, I really want to know what happened that year!!!!!
2000= 2001= 2002= 2003= 2004= 2005= 2006= 2007= 2008= 2009= 2010= 2011= In 2006 you and your sister moved schools and you then went to St. Mary’s Mullymesker Primary school and you loved it there, you made lots of new friends !!!!!!! I must have been very nervous, now I remember everything up to 2007, even though I haven’t been told everything about every year, I still remember everything so clearly, I can’t wait to go to 2007!!!! COME ON!!!!!!
You had a great year in 2007 as it was your first Holy Communion I now remember that, my friends and relatives came to my house afterwards and we had a wonderful day
2000= 2001= 2002= 2003= 2004= 2005= 2006= 2007= 2008= 2009= 2010= 2011= Let’s go to 2008 Ok, follow me!!!!
2000= 2001= 2002= 2003= 2004= 2005= 2006= 2007= 2008= 2009= 2010= 2011= In 2008 you were in P.5 and your sister had her Conformation!!! That’s great to know, should we go to 2009?????? Yes, I think we should!!!!
2000= 2001= 2002= 2003= 2004= 2005= 2006= 2007= 2008= 2009= 2010= 2011= In 2009 I went on holiday to France and me and my family had a wonderful time!!!!! We are nearly finished lets go to 2010 and see what happened that year!!!
2000= 2001= 2002= 2003= 2004= 2005= 2006= 2007= 2008= 2009= 2010= 2011= In 2010 you started the final year of primary school and in November you done the Transfer test in Mount Lourdes Grammar School!!!! Now we should go to 2011!!!! Follow me!!!!!!!!!
In 2011 you got the results of the Transfer test and you got an A. Your Conformation is coming up and you are going into secondary school in September!!!
You also play the piano, the tin whistle, the guitar, the violin and a bit of the bodhran!!!!
Thank you very much for helping me remembering everything, now I am back to normal. But how are we meant to get back to were we came from???????????? I brought the 2 time travelling capsules with us so we can go back!!! So all we have to do now is swallow them and we will go back to were we came from!!!!!!!
I hope you enjoyed hearing about my life!!!!!!!!!!