The Respiratory System By; Alec Rommel
Major Functions of the Respiratory System The most important function of the respiratory system is to allow the lungs to take in oxygen and dispose of waste gasses.
Organs of the Respiratory System The major organs of the respiratory system are the nose, pharynx, larnyx, trachea, bronchi and the lungs. There are two more organs in the respiratory system. They are the alveoli, and the epiglottis.
Other Systems the Respiratory System Interacts With The respiratory system interacts with three other organ systems. The first is the circulatory system. The respiratory system interacts with the circulatory system by putting air into the blood stream. The other system is the digestive system. The mouth and pharynx are used to swallow. The things you swallow are put in your digestive system. The last system it interacts with is the nervous system. The respiratory system interacts with the nervous system by connecting with it through the nose.
How Does The Respiratory System Work? The respiratory system works in a long process that begins when air enters through the nose or the pharynx. After entry, the air moves to the larynx and air flow is regulated. Then the bronchi moves the air into the lungs, which is then put into the blood stream. During this process the diaphragm expands. When the waste gasses are exhaled, the diaphragm contracts.
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