Announcing the 2008 Inductees to the AFLA Fleet Hall of Fame Fleet Hall of Fame
E. J. Ames Universal CIT Credit Corp. Began work at a Packard Dealership in NYC Worked at Universal CIT Credit Corp. from the early 1940s to 1963 Member of the Round Table Group (forerunner to NAFA) Founding NAFA member –NAFA president
Gene Arbaugh PHH Hired at PHH in – vice president of legal services 1974 – senior vice president in charge of truck and equipment programs 1976 – senior vice president of car division 1978 – executive vice president 1987 – vice president of corporate marketing
Ray Breault Fleet Response/ Hoffmann-LaRoche/Revlon Began work at Hoffmann La Roche in 1959 Member of the Round Table Group Became active with NAFA in 1960 –NAFA president from 1977 – 1979 –Received the Outstanding Chapter Service award in 2004 National director of fleet operations at Revlon Cosmetics Inc. from 1977 to 1990 In 1991, joined Rental Concepts Inc. (now Fleet Response) –Still working part-time in post-retirement sales service role
Al Cavalli Universal CIT Credit Corp. Fleet industry career begin in 1948 at Universal CIT Credit Corp. –Retired in 1981 as VP client relations and director Manager of sales & service, Avis Car Leasing, 1981 – 1989 Round Table Group member NAFA president 1969 – 1971 –NAFA distinguished service award 1973 –NAFA Honorary member award Automotive Fleet – Fleet Manager of the Year Field editor for Automotive Fleet
Dick Heather PHH Founder of Peterson, Howell & Heather (PHH Arval) in 1946 Sales and marketing savvy Served as PHH’s chairman of the board from 1962 – 1971
Jack Kolb ARI Joined Holman Enterprises in 1950 ARI executive vice president and general manager from 1957 – 1970 Past chairman and past president of AALA Retired as vice chairman of the board of Holman Enterprises in 2001
Arno Neuber ARI Began a career with Holman Enterprises in became president and CEO of ARI Vice chairman of Holman Enterprises ARI chairman of the board Past AALA president and board chairman
Don Rappeport Donlen Founded Donlen corporation in 1965 Heavily involved in company sales Retired from Donlen in 1979 Currently serves as chairman of the board
John Rock GM Began at General Motors in 1960 –Fleet director, Buick, 1967 – 1968 –Director, fleet and government sales, 1970 – 1973 –Executive director, marketing, Holden’s Automotive Limited, 1979 –General manager of Oldsmobile in 1992 –Retired in 1997 as GM vice president
Gary Tepas Emkay Held positions with General Motors, Hertz Car Leasing Division, Donlen Leasing 1978 – executive VP of administration and finance at Emkay, Inc. –Promoted to president in 1980 –Retired as CEO in 2007 Past president and chairman of AALA –Influenced state and national standards and laws
The 2008 Inductees to the AFLA Fleet Hall of Fame E.J. Ames Gene Arbaugh Ray Breault Al Cavalli Dick Heather Jack Kolb Arno Neuber Don Rappeport John Rock Gary Tepas