By Paul Provencio, Townsend Elementary 4444 TTTT Rock Star For A Day!
Rock Star For A Day 4 - Reading Elvis Presley’s gold Cadillac is in the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum in Nashville, Tennessee. So is Merle Haggard’s prison pardon and Loretta Lynn’s first guitar. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio, houses Buddy Holly’s high school diploma and Wilson Pickett’s Guitar, among other items.
Rock Star For A Day 4- Question If you were the curator of a musical hall of fame, what one item would you want most? First, make a list of musicians that belong in a hall of fame. Second, imagine musical items that they might own. Illustrate one item of each musician. estimate how much each item would cost. Third, chose your favorite or one most valuable item.
Rock Star For A Day Teacher’s Page General Tips for success: First let class read silently. Then read out loud as a class. Brain-storm to find out their schema and stimulate ideas. Tap into students experiences and musical background from radio, TV, video games, concerts, recitals, and family reunions.