BP Biofuels a growing alternative Name Bob Saunders Title Russian Standards Conference, DBERR, 14 th Nov 2008
Agenda CEN Structure for developing Biofuels specs Work Programme for development of Biofuel specs Drivers for Bio-fuel standards Justification for Industry participation Impact on Suppliers Sustainability standards for Bio-fuels
Committee of European Norms European Commission Mandate CEN (Technical Committees) National Standards Bodies Consumer Groups NGOs National Governments Trade Associations Industrial Companies
Structure of Technical Committee 19 Gaseous & Liquid fuels specs & test methods for both fossil and renewable fuels Over 30 Working Groups but key WGs are; −WG 21 Gasoline specification −Task Force Bio-Ethanol −Task Force E85 −WG 23 Autogas specification −WG 24 Diesel Specification −Task Force Bio-diesel −WG 25 Light Heating Fuel specification −Others investigate and develop appropriate Test Methods
Current Specs Work Programme EN 228 Gasoline spec WG 21 −already allows 5% bio-ethanol −developing 10% spec due 2010 −Developing E 85 links with ethanol TF EN 590 Diesel spec WG 24 −Already allows 5% FAME −B7 spec is currently out for consultation, due to publish Aug ‘09 −B10 is on the work programme EN Bio-diesel spec (FAME) −Working on improving Test Methods particularly –thermal stability EN FAME for Heating Fuels – dormant EN Bio-ethanol specification
Global Harmonisation of Biofuel Specs Initiative of European, US and Brazilian Governments, Feb 2007 Work programme −Establish contact with experts in the regions −Exchange specifications and test methods −Compared test methods and highlight difference in measurements −Compared specifications and listed in 3 categories −A – similar −B – different but could be harmonised −C – different and too difficult to harmonise White Paper published early 2008 Conference planned in Rio de Janeiro Jan ’09, share results and develop next steps
Drivers for Change Key drivers in moving towards sustainable mobility solutions Security of supply & energy diversification Climate change issues Biofuels address both these issues.
Drivers for Biofuel Standards Political European Commission to aid implementation of Directives −Biofuel Directive sets aspirational targets −Fuel Quality Dir. sets GHG reduction targets on transport fuel suppliers −Renewable Energy Dir. sets mandatory targets on transport fuels Protect the consumer (Industry customers) Minimise operational problems −Performance −Safety −Environmental Develop a market
Industry perspective Justification for Industry Participation All stakeholders need to be engaged Maximise benefits for industry Protect interests of industry – product liability Protect “Customers” Impact on Suppliers Legal specs in some countries Commoditises product Allows free movement of goods within Europe Consistency of feedstocks and products Reducing costs
Background UK with Dutch governments developed “Environmental standards” for biofuels Dutch gov’t mandated NEN to propose the development of European std through CEN RED/FQD will include sustainability principles and criteria, therefore need for common standards Bio-fuel Sustainability Standards
Recent CEN Biofuel Initiative Created a new Technical Committee May ’08 – TC 383 Already met twice with the support of 14 member states so far Convenor elected Dutch academic prof Helias Udo de Haes Title agree “Sustainably produced biomass for energy applications” Expert Working Group structure −WG 1 Terminology −WG 2 GHG methodology −WG 3 Environmental sustainability incl biodiversity −WG 4 Social and economic issues −WG 5 Auditing and verification −WG 6 Indirect effects
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