Factions: Red, White, Blue, Green (+ Domitian’s Purple and Gold) Domini factionum Factionarius Imperial supporters: Blues: Vitellius (68: year of the four emperors), Caracalla Greens: Caligula; Nero; Domitian; Commodus; Elagabalus
Mosaic showing all 4 factions (Roman first half of the 3rd century CE. From the Villa dei Severi (the imperial villa of the Severan dynasty) at Baccano, 16 miles from the Via Appia in Rome).
Pavement mosaic with a circus charioteer of the white faction.
Mosaic showing Polydus, charioteer for the Red faction, with his horse Compressor (Trier, mid third century CE: found in the bath complex)
Victorious charioteer, red faction
Location of the stables in Campus Martius
Monument to Crescens
Gutta’s monument
The charioteer Eros with his horses, Amandus and Frunitus (From Dougga, 4 th century CE)
Porphyrius monument, Constantinople Erected by the Green faction; 6 th century CE
Remaining bases for 2 of the 7 statues to Porphyrios (Istanbul Archaeological Museum).
Green dot: base erected by the Greens to Porphyrius Blue dote: base erected by the Blues to Porphyrius
Curse tablet against charioteers (Roman; 4 th century CE; found on the Via Appia)
Fragment of glass with chariot and driver (Roman, 1 st century CE)
Glass beaker with chariot scenes; inscription records that Cresces beat his opponents Hierax, Olympaeus and Antilocus. (Roman from Britain)
Chariot scene on terracotta oil lamp (Roman; 2-3 rd century CE) Scene shows race in the Circus Maximus
Terracotta oil lamp showing a triumphant charioteer in the Circus Maximus (Roman 1 st century CE)
Triumphant principal horse of team with placard for its name and number of victories (terracotta oil lamp; 1 st century CE)
Mosaic showing boy as charioteer (4 th century CE Piazza Amerina, Sicily)
Mosaic from Carthage showing chariot race (3 rd century CE)
Mosaic from Selin, Libya, showing chariot race