KENNEDY SPACE CENTER “REDEVELOPING FOR THE FUTURE” Jim Ball Deputy Manager Center Planning and Development Kennedy Space Center
C URRENT P RIORITIES Expendable vehicle launch Human exploration capability Commercial space transportation and services Multiuser space launch complex Business development and creative partnerships Expendable vehicle launch Human exploration capability Commercial space transportation and services Multiuser space launch complex Business development and creative partnerships
E XPENDABLE V EHICLE L AUNCH Launch Services Program Enables access to space Provides oversight of launch operations, countdown management, quality and mission assurance Launch Services Program Enables access to space Provides oversight of launch operations, countdown management, quality and mission assurance
H UMAN E XPLORATION Space Launch System Heavy Lift Launch Vehicle Design derived from legacy hardware Capability to lift the Orion spacecraft for exploration Multi Purpose Crew Vehicle Will enable exploration beyond earth orbit Capable of conducting regular in-space operations Space Launch System Heavy Lift Launch Vehicle Design derived from legacy hardware Capability to lift the Orion spacecraft for exploration Multi Purpose Crew Vehicle Will enable exploration beyond earth orbit Capable of conducting regular in-space operations
C OMMERCIAL S PACE INDUSTRY Commercial Space Launch/Service Providers Commercial Space Launch/Service Providers Entrepreneurial space activities Commercial crew and cargo services for NASA Suborbital spaceflight for STEM, research, and tourism Access to International Space Station and other platforms Blue Origin SpaceX BoeingSierra Nevada
M ULTI -U SER L AUNCH C OMPLEX Horizontal Launch & Landing Clean Floor Processing Multi-Use Integration Heavy Class Launch Capability Small Vehicle Launch Capability Flexible Launch Capability 21 ST C ENTURY G ROUND S YSTEMS P ROGRAM
C ENTER PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Office formed in 2008 and reorganized in 2010 Engaging stakeholders and industry to craft a Future Development Concept that will guide KSC’s transformation and growth as a multiuser spaceport KSC’s “Front Door” to engage new business focusing on: Master Plan for KSC infrastructure, land use, and real estate strategies Commercial space transportation and services Retention of highly skilled aerospace workers and facility assets
E XPLORATION PARK Under development by Space Florida in partnership with NASA, KSC’s new research and technology park will offer a unique collaborative environment
KSC V ISITOR C OMPLEX Embarking on 10-year master plan to recreate the visitor experience. Several large projects are envisioned including a new entry thru the rocket garden, the Atlantis Home, renovation of the LC39 Observation Gantry tour stop, and a future museum at main complex to relocate the Astronaut Hall of Fame Museum elements. Delaware North has selected PGAV Destinations for the design and creative elements and Whiting Turner for the construction Atlantis Home – Summer 2013
E XPLORATION PARK Under development by Space Florida in partnership with NASA, KSC’s new research and technology park will offer a unique collaborative environment
KSC C ENTRAL C AMPUS P ROJECT Center-piece of a multi-phase project to modernize and consolidate administrative and laboratory facilities. Envisioned as ultimately involving between $ million in redevelopment funding over time. Older and obsolete buildings will be replaced with consolidated, more efficient facilities. NASA procurement activity to initiate design-build of first phase expected in spring, 2012.
T HE F UTURE T HE F UTURE Our Vision: to be the world’s preeminent launch complex for government and commercial space access Enable and lead the future of space exploration and growing space economy KSC’s unique facilities and highly skilled workforce will support the space community, making space less costly and more routine