National 5 Exam preparation Reading for Understanding, Analysis and Evaluation
Answering questions using your own words Picking out and explaining why certain words have been used Explaining why sentence types are effective including linking Summarising points/ideas made by the writer Explaining effective imagery and use of language Identify and explain the tone/attitude of the writer
This week – word choice (Language) One feature of language you could be asked about is word choice. If asked about word choice you should: Quote the word from the passage Give its connotations (what the word suggests) Explain why it has been used by the writer – try and be specific
Task One: Copy down the definitions to add to your glossary/notes on close reading DenotationThe meaning of a word or image ConnotationWhat is implied by the word or image Denotation – dove/bird Connotation - peace Denotation – heart Connotation – love/romance
Task Two: Read the statements and identify the effective piece of word choice The boy was interrogated about his actions by his parents. We have been bombarded with numerous images. A return to the dark ages could be imminent.
Answers The boy was interrogated about his actions by his parents. This suggests the parents asked the boy lots of questions, possibly to catch him out. We have been bombarded with numerous images. This suggests that there have been a lot of images, overwhelming. A return to the dark ages could be imminent. This suggests that it could happen at any minute, as if it’s about to happen.
Task Three: Write these statements out. Pick out the effective piece of word choice and explain the effect (connotations) sloppy clothes squandered his money a reckless plan a calculated response to the question a valuable employee The shirt was made of flimsy material Structure: QUOTE the word EXPLAIN why it’s effective
The missing part of the Cinderella story is what happens when she puts on the glass slipper and disappears into the palace. Rowling filled in the blanks, describing to Jeremy Paxman how she has to cope with begging letters, journalists rifling through her bins, photographers lurking on the beach, and strangers accosting her in the supermarket. taken from an article in The Scotsman newspaper, June 2003 SQA specimen question paper Explain how the writer’s word choice in these lines helps to show the negative effects of fame. (4 marks)