2007 Unit Action Plans University Advancement and Marketing
Significant Areas of Success Advancement Developed major gift, prospect research and planned giving policies. Sent administrative and support staff to 24 conferences and workshops. Initiated quota system to engage major gift officers at a more significant level. Completed 491 personal visits. Raised $818,824 in major gifts. Planned giving gifts to date $1,526,033, a 156% increase. 49 new Donor Society members to date. Increase of in-kind gifts to Ferris, $3,839,781, a 310% increase. Began tracking gift solicitations and closes for first time in advancement history.
Significant Areas of Success Began regional donor visits in Florida and Arizona. Defined official donor assignment strategy placing donors with primary managers based on staff role. Utilized data transfer from the Kendall College of Art and Design software to the Millennium system. Supported and hosted the President’s “Commission for the Future.” Hosted 180 guests at the Michigan Construction Hall of Fame. Increased attendance by 45% and enlarged the sponsorship funding by 300%.
Significant Areas of Success Assisted in completion of documentation on scholarship and endowment reporting process. Established a football scholarship campaign with $100,000 committed to date. Increased Foundation Benefit attendees to % increase. Launched a volunteer donor-driven departmental annual fund in College of Technology.
Ongoing or Proposed Significant Activities Continue to establish policies for Major Gift Officers to include capacity ratings for major gift prospects and their affinity for giving. Continue to monitor and assess performance expectations. MGOs will document 175 face-to- face visits. Initiate a 33% solicitation gift closure for
Ongoing or Proposed Significant Activities Work with President and Vice President for UA&M to plan for the capital campaign. Continue to facilitate funding opportunities for the Jim Crow Museum. Continue internal staff audit and campaign readiness, including adding needed resources.
Significant Areas of Success Marketing and Communications
Marketing Strengthened brand awareness and visibility through statewide media placements. Produced award-winning recruiting materials that contributed to enrollment growth. Produced high-quality fund-raising, alumni and reputation-building communications. Re-designed the Crimson & Gold magazine.
News Services/Media Relations Improved crisis communications. Enhanced the measurement of media relations activities. Expanded awareness of Ferris’ accomplishments by featuring them on the home page. Generated positive news coverage of University initiatives.
Web/Multimedia/Photography Rebuilt the Ferris home page to include multimedia content. Improved the internal search function through the Google-Mini search appliance. Developed user-friendly Web Content Management system for colleges and departments. Created a cross-divisional model for teamwork and efficiency. Revised guidelines and institutional policies for the Ferris Web site.
Ongoing or Proposed Significant Activities Marketing Collaborate cross-divisionally to implement the integrated marketing and recruitment plan. Provide needed market research to improve institutional decision-making. Articulate the value of consistent graphics and messaging. Create a marketing innovation fund to support entrepreneurial activity in the division. Reach the 100,000 Michigan high school students taking the ACT by expanding communications.
Marketing Continue the statewide marketing campaign by retaining outside marketing services. Address increasing Crimson & Gold magazine costs. Expand graphic design services to meet a growing demand for communications. Preserve our photographic history by acquiring the needed hardware/software storage.
News Services/Media Relations Continue proactive measures to improve crisis and issues management communications. Enhance the Faculty Experts Web site and identify opportunities for publicity. Implement a campus beat system for identifying stories. Expand relationships with news media in northern, western and southeastern Michigan. Improve the Campus News Web site by exploring best practices.
Web/Multimedia Services Publish more multimedia content that showcases student life and academic programs. Improve the user interface for the Content Management Systems. Develop a multimedia-driven site to give prospective students a slice-of-life experience. Continue to work with search optimization consultant to keep Ferris State’s rankings high.
Web/Multimedia Services Utilize a strategic approach to maintain, improve and evaluate Web resource needs. Roll out interface allowing handheld device users to receive a customized Ferris site. Determine the value of emerging technologies and how they should be incorporated. Implement a Web Content Development Team to respond to the growing demand for services.
Significant Areas of Success Alumni Relations Hosted 14 alumni events engaging 1,700+. Partnered to support 20 other events engaging 2, Presidential Bus Tour –Events/meetings at 15 locations statewide. –Engaged 500+ partners, alumni and friends. Online Community Web site, –7,000+ new registered users, up 483%. –552 alumni found each other via site, up 121%. –Increased broadcast s to alumni 54%. Assisted the 2006 Ferris Foundation for Excellence Benefit.
Annual Giving Increase of overall cash giving to Ferris, $3,152,049, a 24% increase FYTD. Increase of support from alumni, $928,115, a 55% increase FYTD. Increase of response to telemarketing –2006 Fall, 1,571 pledges, a 13% increase. –2006 Fall calling pledges totaled $91,122, a 27% increase. –As of 3/2/07, 1,362 of these pledges were fulfilled totaling $88,911 or 97%.
Advancement Services Improved accuracy of contact data in the Millennium system - up 6.13% to 88.01% –54,477 address changes/additions. –128,594 record updates. Conducted “Alumni Finder” data cleansing project for The Ferris Foundation –Target Data:Grads ‘59-’89 or 60,523 –4 Batch “Scrubs”:1) Update contact data 2) append 3) Wealth scoring 4) Work location –Results:567 address updates 8,275 s 17,000 wealth scores 24,314 work locations
Ongoing or Proposed Significant Activities Expand Annual Giving operations through additional resources, such as S&E. Increase capability to use Millennium database. Raise total cash gifts of $4,200,000 in FY08. Increase constituent market research –Improve effectiveness/efficiency of both programmatic and philanthropic engagement. Conduct numerous activities for alumni and friends around Michigan and in selected areas nationwide.
Ongoing or Proposed Significant Activities Expand advancement and scholarship services with additional resources. Explore opportunities for additional database cleansing. Online community Web site overhaul –Update the design, look and feel to interact better with ferris.edu. –Change/add services to provide more of a “Facebook/MySpace” end-user experience. –Demand greater control of site from our offices.
Significant Areas of Success Office of the Vice President Assisted with fundraising for the annual Foundation for Excellence Benefit. Coordinated and assisted with personal solicitations to individuals resulting in private support to the University. Participated in numerous alumni and advancement events. Worked toward advancement of Foundation activities. Continued to support development and refining of support system activities for Advancement area.
Ongoing or Proposed Significant Activities Maintain and adjust organizational administration structure. Assist with The Ferris Foundation activities. Serve as the executive director of The Ferris Foundation. Develop and recommend strategy for capital campaign including needed resource allocation required for successful results. Continue to recruit employees who will have an affinity and passion for promoting and assisting with fundraising for Ferris State University.
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