#hungryforchange Photo credit: Annie Bungeroth
What’s Hungry for change? Our campaign that looks at the global food system. Photo credit: Simon Rawles
Food Fact 870 million people worldwide do not have enough to eat. That’s equivalent to all the people in the USA, Canada, Australia and the European Union combined. Photo credit: Simon Rawles
Emily’s story Emily Mbithuka in Kenya has survived hard times. “It hurts to see my children ask for food. I store maize to make sure we can feed the small ones. The older ones, my husband and I, skip meals.” Emily struggles to get a market for her crops. Photo credit: Annie Bungeroth
Photo credit: Simon Rawles
Small-scale farmers need support to improve their income, access markets and gain a voice in decisions which affect them. Photo credit: Paul Smith
And global food companies need to be open and accountable for their part in our food system.
How our work helps We support people to prioritise their own needs and buy from local markets We speak out against land grabs or forest destruction We provide seed banks to help crops last longer We give agricultural training to improve yields We support co-operatives and women’s groups to increase their bargaining power and more... Photo credit: Simon Rawles
Photo credit: Eleanor Church
1. Empowering aid for small-scale farmers, especially women, to help them access markets and increase their income, bargaining power and voice in decisions. Photo credit: Paul Smith
2. Checks on the power of global food companies, requiring them to report on the lobbying they do and their impacts on human rights – and to ensure that workers in global supply chains get a fair deal. Did you know? A few hundred companies control 70 per cent of the global food market and key resources such as water and land needed to produce food.
What have we done so far? Over 50,000 actions
What have we done so far? Enough Food for Everyone IF
What have we done so far? Demand transparency
So what’s next? Second phase of campaign runs until Easter 2014 New CAFOD report on climate change: What have we done? How the changing climate is hitting the poorest hardest
Learn – about the food system Organise – events in our schools, parishes & communities Share – the action and spread the word! What else can we do? Photo credit: Eleanor Church
Our hunger for change, in solidarity with our neighbours and through the grace of God, can transform our world.
Hungry for change resources Look out for... Online resources and actions Food for thought - your guide to the issues Posters for your parish or group Action guide – giving, acting and praying in Lent and beyond Animation and film-clips Materials for schools and youth Blogs, news updates and more
Thank you! “A future without hunger can become a reality if the only things we are hungry for are sharing, solidarity and justice.” Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiaga Photo credit: Simon Rawles