IMPACT Food Security Module Shahnila Islam and Daniel Mason-D’Croz
Post Processing Module Malnourished Children – Per capita kilo calories – Total kilo calories – Percent Malnourished – Total Malnourished Risk of Hunger – Relative Kilocalories – Share of population at risk of hunger – Total population at risk of hunger Reaching Millennium Development Goals – Checking if the MDG parameter has been reached – Checking the progress towards the MDG goal
Malnourished Calculation Lisa Smith and Lawrence Haddad (2000) – Per capita national food availability – Women’s education and women’s status relative to men’s – Access to safe water IMPACT parameters – Per capital national food availability (2nd most important)
Smith and Haddad update (2013/2014) Stunting and not weight for age Percentage of food that comes from non-staples Access to sanitation and not only access to water Governance – Bureaucratic effectiveness – Law and order – Political stability – Restraint of corruption – Democratic accountability 4
What do the updates mean for IMPACT? Need to update data to use stunting and not weight for age Need to disaggregate calories from different categories (non- staples) Other Issues – National food availability is not a very important determinant for malnourishment! 5
Share At Risk Calculation Per capita kilo calories Minimum kilo calories required Relative kilo calories Calculation following Günther Fischer, Mahendra Shah, Francesco N. Tubiello and Harrij van Velhuizen (2005) 6
Towards MDGs Goal 1: Eradication extreme poverty and hunger – Target 1C – Halve between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people who suffer from hunger IMPACT Proxies – Malnourished children – Share at risk of hunger IMPACT reports – MDG check – year in which each goal is reached – MDG progress – tracks the progress of countries towards each goal 7